For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Saturn's Gochara - Vakra Results

Moon-sign Saturn’s effects of retrograde motion:

  1. There will be intense desire to indulge in risky propositions, danger of the physical hurt like wounds, fractures and burns of minor degrees.
  2. In the birth chart Saturn happens to be in the Moon-sign then there is the danger of major accidents.
  3. In the 2nd House, There will be mental worries due to death of near and dear ones. Dental and eye troubles will become prominent.
  4. In the 3rd House: The retrogression here is however beneficial. The native is freed from worries and diseases.
  5. In the 4th House:–There is likelihood of having bouts of high blood pressure and chest diseases, angina pain and frequent palpitation, etc.
  6. In the 5th House:–Mental worries will be enhanced, mostly concerning children and investments.
  7. In the 6th House:–The native becomes free from diseases and mental worries or there will be marked improvement.
  8. In the 7th House:–There will tiredness on account of unnecessary and fruitless journeys. There will be mental worry due to wife’s ill-health and exhaustion after sexual acts, and weakness.
  9. In the 8th House:–There will be danger of accidents, diseases will get worsened and fear of death will predominate. Urinary diseases are likely to cause trouble.
  10. In the 9th House:–There will be malnutrition and worries due to loss of money and near and dear.
  11. In the 10th House:–Loss of position will cause extreme worry and will likely affect blood pressure and heart.
  12. In the 11th House:–The native will be freed from all worries. There will be all-round gain, consequent good health and a sense of well-being.
  13. In the 12th House:–There will be loss of sleep and bed comfort. Frequent journeys or change of place, cause ill-health, mostly diseases like diarrhea and dysentery.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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