For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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The Main Period of Venus and its Sub-Periods

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Duration of Period – Vimsottari 20 Year

The particular Sign occupied by Venus at the birth of any individual determines the nature of the conditions and probable events, which will occur in the life of the individual during the Venus period:-

If Venus be in Aries at Birth

A very changeable and busy period. A kaleidoscope of events, a variety of experiences will be encountered. There will be many short trips and journeys, chiefly be land. The individual will live a varied existence, almost a nomadic one. He will certainly change from one occupation to another, from one location to another. He will reside in many cities and many houses. There will be no fixed idea. His mind apparently will lack purpose and any concentrated goal. He will be fickle and undependable, and as a result will have many ups and downs, but in spite of this, he will manage to exist, even comfortably at times.

If Venus be in Taurus at Birth

A calm and quiet period for study and philosophical contemplation. The individual becomes intensely interested in occultism and mystical philosophies. His home life is happy and contented. He makes much of domestic pets and animals and has a home full of cats, dogs, canaries and other domestic pets. He may even breed and train dogs. Out of his holdings what seems to him in abundance, he will gives generously to charity. Children born to his wife during this period will be all girls.

If Venus be in Gemini at Birth

This person is a writer of romantic and historical novels, which are founded on fact. During this period, he will complete his novels and publish them. If he has not yet written any, he will start work on magazine stories or books and will be successful in selling them. His works will become popular. His attitude towards life and its problems will be one of cheerful optimism and he will succeed in passing this feeling on to others on account of this, he will be popular.

If Venus be in Cancer at Birth

A period of varied experience and education. The individual will travel by land, taking many short and long journeys. While his occupations may change frequently, it will be of his own volition and each change will be for the better because his work will always be well and conscientiously done. Any enterprise he undertakes will be carefully worked out and successfully accomplished.

If Venus be in Leo at Birth

The individual will have much to do with members of the opposite sex during this period. The native (man) may have a women employer or receive money in some legitimate manner from women, or gain through them. He will have many women friends and may benefit through their influence or friendship in some manner. During this period he must exert more caution than ordinarily to protect him from animal bites, as he is open to infection from this source and may accidentally receive a bite while ministering to a sick animal.

If Venus be in Virgo at Birth

The less said about this period, the better. A good time to go fishing if the individual can afford it, since no undertaking for profit or gain will be successful, except through superhuman effort and caution. Hopes and wishes go unfulfilled and well laid plans turn out to be mere “castles in the air.”

If Venus be in Libra at Birth

No matter what the previous occupation may be, the individual will be likely to follow a strong urge to purchase a farm, plantation or a cattle farm. If he yields to this urge, he will make money through it and may actually become wealthy, particularly if the product be white in colour such as milk or cotton.

If Venus be in Scorpio at Birth

A period of settlement of past debts. The individual will count up his obligations and liquidate them. He will also try to be helpful to others, but must guard against a short temper during this period which might upset the good he is trying to do. During this period, he will have many changes of residence.

If Venus be in Sagittarius at Birth

A period of increase and or profit. The native will rise in the world. He will increase his earnings and add to his wealth and belongings. His position will increase in influence and power. He will be in authority, To do this, however, he will have many obstacles to overcome. He will have many opponents and enemies, but he will overcome them all successfully.

If Venus be in Capricorn at Birth

Outside of his home, he will be successful. Disputes and lawsuits in business will be settled profitably for the individual during this period. The home life will not be happy, however, and he will have many worries and anxieties in his domestic relationships.

If Venus be in Aquarius at Birth

The individual will be interested in and collect antiques during this period. His home will be full of antique furniture and ornaments, and they will be artistically arranged. He will take pleasure in showing them to his friends and in relating the history of each piece. He will become a student of occult and mystical lore and eventually become an authority of these subjects.

If Venus be in Pisces at Birth

The Venus period will be happy and successful. During this period, all enterprises and undertakings should be pushed to completion as they will be successful, if completed within that time. The individual will rise to a position of honour and possibly fame in his own community and every things will prosper for him.

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