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The Main Period of Jupiter and its Sub-Periods Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 2

If Jupiter be in Scorpio at Birth

The individual will develop a natural bent towards outdoor sports and military activities. He will have a wide circle of friends among sportsmen and army men. He may join some civilian army corps or, if other testimony supports, take up the army as a career. At any rate, he will shoot, hunt, or ride to hounds and play polo, join athletic clubs or sport associations. He will own dogs and horses and have many animals about him. His health will be superb and he will be bubbling over with animal spirits and enthusiasm.

If Jupiter be in Sagittarius at Birth

The native is naturally philosophical and religious. During this period he will most likely be found teaching philosophy or religious subjects as a professor or lecturer. He will acquire a reputation as a scholar and authority on philosophy and comparative religion, and may take translations of philosophical and religious books, or write essays or poems on these subjects. During this period, more than ever in his life, he will be most punctilious and careful in his thoughts and actions and will weigh everything carefully. He will love animals and will have dogs and horses. A period during which he will regard his past life and actions, and place them in their true perspective weighing them against present and future events.

If Jupiter be in Capricorn at Birth

The Jupiter period will be a most difficult one. The family life may be broken up and changed through death-at least the individual will become separated from his family. Functional disorder of the system will occur. Indigestion and constipation will make his life miserable and may finally result in an operation. There will also be some trouble in the genital or reproductive organs. Money matters will go from bad to worse, and the native is likely to experience actual poverty during this period.

If Jupiter be in Aquarius at Birth

The period will be marked by a great deal of writing and correspondence. The mind will be clearer, the intellect keener, than at any time of the life. The artistic sensibilities will be sharpened. This individual may find himself writing criticisms of art, painting, or sculpture. He will be very analytical; discriminating yet appreciative. He may acquire the reputation of being an expert in such matters and will certainly write with authority. His work will bring him in closer contact with women than formerly, and he will benefit from and enjoy these associations. May be a critic with some art magazine.

If Jupiter be in Pisces at Birth

Although this position of Jupiter usually corresponds with the service type of person-domestic, chauffeurs, minor clerks and employees of every type of service-during the Jupiter period such a person is likely to become wealthy as a result of past application and endeavour. At any rate, there will be rapid promotion during this period and an accumulation of wealth and belongings. He will achieve success beyond his apparent capabilities or station in life and command the respect and admiration of his superiors because he well be a self made man.

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