For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Assessing the Effects of Sub-Periods of a Planet Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 2

10. If a planet is exalted then it shows full benefic result. If a planet is in its `Moolatrikona’, then it shows three fourth good effects.

i) If a planet is in own sign then it shows half benefic results.

ii) If a planet is in the sign of a friend then its effects is one fourth.

iii) If a benefic planet is in the sign of an enemy then it will show very scanty good effect and

iv) If a benefic planet is posited in its sign of debilitation then the good results will be almost nil.

v) If a malefic is debilitated then it will show 100% negative effect.

vi) If a malefic is in the sign of an enemy then it will show 100% negative effects

vii) If a malefic is in the sign of an enemy then it will show 75% malefic effect.

viii) If a malefic is placed in a friendly house, then gives only half of the bad results. If a malefic is in own sign then gives only 25% bad effects.

ix) If a malefic is in the “Moolatrikona” sign then it will show only one eighth negative results and

x) If a malefic is exalted then the bad effect will be nil.

xi) If a planet is combust then it shows the effect as if it is posited in its sign of debilitation.

xii) These proportions are related to benefic or lords of the benefic Houses.

xiii) So far as the malefic planets or lords of malefic houses are concerned, the result will be just the 
opposite. When a planet is in combustion or within proximity of the Sun, its result will be identical with the one in its depression.

11. When (a) Jupiter, (b) the lord of the house where the Moon is posited in and (c) the lord of the Ascendant occupy the 4th house from the Ascendant, the middle portion of the life of the native will be good.

Those planets which occupy the Prishtodaya Signs give good results in the end of life; those in Ubhayodaya signs give good results in the middle of life; and those in the Srishodaya Signs, give in the beginning of life.

12. Find out the weakest amongst the planets:-

1. Saturn, 2. Mandi, 3. Rahu, 4. The lord of the 22nd Drekkana, 5. The lord of the 8th house, and 6th house. The lords of the Navamsa signs, occupied by these planets.

It is only the Dasa of that weakest planet, which is going to prove fatal and the native will die when Saturn during his transit passes through a Dusthana i.e. the 6th, 8th or the 12th house with respect to it.

13. Out of the two sets of planets, viz.:-

i) The lord of the house where in the lord of the 8th is posited, and

ii) The lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house and

iii) The lords of the 22nd Drekkana and the Lord of the rising Drekkana,

Ascertain which planet in each pair is stronger. When the Dasa period of this stronger planet is ripening, and when Jupiter is traversing through the sign and Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house or its trine position, the death of the native may take place.

14. When a planet, whose Major period is running, that planet at the same time, transits over his Own-house, exaltation or a friendly house, he promotes the prosperity of the house, it represents when reckoned from the Ascendant provided the said planet possesses full strength at the birth time as well.

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