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Now let us know, how the Deha and Jiva should be reckoned in the Padas (quarters) of the Nakshatras

Dr. Shanker Adawal

All those who are born in the 1st Pada of Asvini, Aries is indicative of Deha (body) and Sagittarius is indicative of Jiva (life), the first sub period belongs to Aries-Mars;

The second, to Taurus-Venus; the third, to Gemini-Mercury;

The fourth, to Cancer-Moon; the fifth, to Leo-Sun;

The sixth, to Virgo-Mercury; the seventh, to Libra-Venus;

The eighth, to Scorpio-Mars; and

The ninth, to Sagittarius-Jupiter.

In the second Pad of Asvini Capricorn is Deha and Gemini is Jiva and the Lords of the nine Rasis from Capricorn to Gemini are Lords of the Dasas.

Those born in the 2nd Pada of Asvini, the sub-periods belong to 1) Capricorn-Saturn, 2) Aquarius-Saturn, 3) Pisces-Jupiter, 4) Scorpio-Mars, 5) Libra-Venus, 6) Virgo- Mercury, 7) Cancer-Moon, 8) Leo-Sun and 9) Gemini-Mercury.

Those born in the 3rd Pada of Asvini,- Taurus is Deha and Gemini is Jiva. The sub-periods belong to-

1) Taurus- Venus, 2) Aries-Mars, 3) Pisces-Jupiter, 4) Aquarius-Saturn, 5) Capricorn-Saturn, 6) Sagittarius-Jupiter, 7) Aries-Mars, 8) Taurus-Venus and 9) Gemini-Mercury.
Those born in the 4th Pada ov Asvini,- Cancer is Deha and Pisces is Jiva respectively the sub-periods belong to-

1) Cancer-Moon, 2) Leo-Sun, 3) Virgo-Mercury, 4) Libra-Venus, 5) Scorpio-Mars, 6) Sagittarius-Jupiter, 7) Capricorn-Saturn, 8) Aquarius-Saturn and 9) Pisces-Jupiter.

Those born in the 1st Pada of Bharani, Scorpio is Deha and Pisces is Jiva respectively, the several sub-periods are-

1) Scorpio-Mars, 2) Libra-Venus, 3) Virgo-Mercury, 4) Cancer-Moon, 5) Leo-Sun, 6) Gemini-Mercury, 7) Taurus-Venus, 8) Aries-Mars, and 9) Pisces-Jupiter.

Those born in the 2nd Pada of Bharani, Aquarius is Deha and Virgo is Jiva the several sub-periods are-
1) Aquarius-Saturn, 2) Capricorn-Saturn, 3) Sagittarius-Jupiter, 4) Aries-Mars, 5) Taurus-Venus, 6) Gemini-Mercury, 7) Cancer-Moon, 8) Leo-Sun, and 9) Virgo-Mercury.

Those born in the 3rd Pada of Bharani, Tula is Deha and Virgo is Jiva respectively, the several sub-periods are-

1) Libra-Venus, 2) Scorpio-Mars, 3) Sagittarius-Jupiter, 4) Capricorn-Saturn, 5) Aquarius-Saturn and 6) Pisces-Jupiter, 7) Scorpio-Mars, 8) Libra-Venus and 9) Virgo-Mercury.

For those born in the 4th Pada of Bharani- Cancer is Deha and Aquarius is Jiva respectively, the sub-periods are-

1) Cancer-Moon, 2) Leo-Sun, 3) Gemini-Mercury, 4) Taurus-Venus, 5) Aries-Mars, and 6) Pisces-Jupiter 7) Aquarius-Saturn, 8) Capricorn-Saturn, and 9) Sagittarius-Jupiter.

The four formulae given for the four Padas of Asvini will also respectively apply to the four Padas of Krittika in the Apsavya-pradakshina triad.

The four formulae given for the four Padas of Mrigasiras should also be used again for the four Padas of Ardra.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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