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Know About Personal Investing in Vedic Astrology Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 2

 (c) Which stock should be bought

Main Street is full of investors who complain, “Everything is going up, except my `cats and dogs’. “Why should this happen? Many years ago, a retired Vice President of one of the nation’s largest banks gave the author the following formula for picking stocks, “Buy only those stocks whose natal chart harmonizes with your own natal chart.” He stated that he had gone broke in the 1923 Stock Market Crash, but subsequently became acquainted with an astrologer, who was the widow of a New Jersey banker, and thus was acquainted with the Stock Market. Under this astrologer’s guidance, he recouped his losses and became a millionaire. When his wife died, he married this astrologer!

Some stocks are said to be “ruled” by certain planets, viz. iron and steel by Mars, copper by Venus, oil by Neptune, electric utilities by Uranus, agriculture and real estate by Saturn, underground mining by Pluto, etc. Jupiter is considered to be the planet of optimism or expansion; Saturn, the planet of pessimism or contraction; Neptune, the planet of illusion (speculation is an illusion). Astrologers who deal in commodities are not in agreement as to which planets rule silver, gold, wheat, corn, pork-bellies etc.

(d) Corporation Horoscope analysis

Business corporations are living entities created by men and run by men. The life of a corporation begins with the date of incorporation, when the corporation thus becomes a living entity. It has been found from experience that the lives of corporations are affected by planetary influences, just as are the lives of individuals. The technique for erecting the horoscope of a corporation is as follows:-

(Step 1): Since the time of incorporation is seldom given, you must set up a solar chart for the date of incorporation, using the Equal House System and Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) with Noon positions of the planets. Place the Sun on the Ascendant and the planets in their appropriate places in the chart.

(Step 2): Calculate the angular separation between each pair of planet and record in the speculum.

(Step 3): Encircle in Red the negative aspects and in Green or Blue the positive aspects, allowing the following orbs; conjunctions 10 degrees, oppositions 8 degrees, sextiles, squares and trines 5 degrees.

(Step 4): Determine the aspects formed by the transiting planets Pluto, Neptune, - Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury to the natal planets. This will indicate when big up or down movements in the company’s stock will occur.

(Step 5): Before making a final judgment on what the stock may or may not do in the future, always take into consideration any aspects to the company’s ruler. This is always the planet which rules the sign in which the Sun is placed, viz. Sun in Virgo – the ruler is Mercury; Sun in Sagittarius – the ruler is Jupiter etc.

Having done all the above, you are now ready to interpret the horoscope according to the following rules:

(1) The position of the Sun is any company’s chart is the most important planetary position to be considered, for it represents the company, its organization, its management and aims. Hence, the Sun is placed on the Ascendant and aspects to it from the major planets, both at the time of incorporation and at later dates by transit, are of major importance.

(2) The Moon represents the public and the attitude of people toward the company or its products or services. – Aspects to the Moon are second in importance to those made to the Sun. Thus, a company which is incorporated at a time when the Moon is in favourable aspect to the Sun, will have a long life and will usually be most successfully.

(3) Mercury indicates the commercial and scientific abilities of the company’s management.

(4) Venus indicates the company’s acquisition, or merger potentials.

(5) Mars governs the activity of the company’s stock. Whenever Mars, at the time of incorporation, the price of the stock will fluctuate strongly while under such influence.

(6) Jupiter indicates the money making possibility of the company and shows the money behind the company and its chances for expansion.

(7) Saturn indicates the limitations and restrictions placed on the company.

(8) Uranus indicates the management’s ability to exploit new ideas or inventions, as well as sudden, unexpected events.

(9) Neptune indicates management’s vision or liability to illusion or delusion.

(10) Pluto represents mass production, mass consumption and mass psychology.

(11) The trend will be Upward if Jupiter and Uranus are in a favourable aspect to the Sun or Moon, viz.; forming angles of 0, 60, or 120 degrees. Always invest in a stock which is coming under a favourable aspect from Jupiter or Uranus singly, or when both planets are in favourable aspect to each other and are aspecting the Sun or Moon of the company by transit.

(12) The trend will be Downward if Saturn and Uranus are in unfavourable aspect to the Sun or Moon, viz. forming angles or 90 or 180 degrees, and in the case of Saturn 0 degrees. Do not invest in a stock which is coming under an unfavourable aspect to the Sun or Moon from Saturn or Uranus singly, or when both planets are in unfavourable aspect to each other and are aspecting the Sun and Moon of the company by transit.

(13) Buy the stocks of companies whose natal Venus or Jupiter is conjunct, sextile, or trine to your own natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant.

(14) Do not buy the stocks of companies whose negative planets (Mars, Saturn, Neptune or Pluto) are conjunct, square or opposition your own natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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