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Planets and Political Power Part 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 1

If Marxian materialists assign less significance to personalities in historical development and contend that economic forces impose their programmes, little influenced by personalities, astrology suggests that a nation chooses the sort of Government or leader it needs consistent with its national Karma. History does reveal several surprises-obscure people suddenly finding themselves in power and dictators, president and rulers falling from power with astonishing abruptness. Political Pandits have no rational explanation for such happening while according to astrology, creative or destructive political careers depend upon certain Raja Yogas and Arishta Yogas and that periods of crisis coincide with certain directional influences.

We shall consider some charts with reference to their political careers.

Here again political power was usurped by the native as soon as Saturn’s Dasa commenced. As lord of the 4th, Saturn is in the 9th aspected by the Sun, lord of the 10th. The Dasamsa chart is signjificant. Saturn is in the 7th exalted-aspected by Jupiter and Mercury. The Ascendant is equally strong, the lord Mars occupying the 10th house in the constellation of the Sun. It will be seen that the Sun’s aspect on Saturn has contributed to the strength of Saturn as Yogakaraka. Saturn, lord of the 4th, has Parivartana with the Moon, lord of the 9th. Consistent with the nature of the disposition of Saturn and the Sun, representing respectively the people and aristocracy, the native had no soft corner for the rich and the privileged. As soon as he took over control of his country, monarchy and corruptive political parties made their exit. Totalitarian techniques were of course employed. His loss of power was due to his own death in Saturn’s Dasa and Rahu’s sub-period. Rahu as sub-lord in a Maraka place, killed him. In the Dasamsa again Rahu is in the 12th which is ominous.

Chart No. 3 is that of a person who, as a minister, wielded considerable influence on Hitler. Yogakaraka Mars and the Sun, who is Neechabhanga aspecting the 10th, and the 10th from Chandra Lagna being occupied by two benefices, conferred Raja Yoga during the Dasa of Mars. The fag-end of Rahu Bhukti in Rahu Dasa saw the native out of power. Mark the situation of Rahu in a Maraka place aspected both by Mars and Saturn. Mars as Yogakaraka enabled Rahu to Sustain the Raja Yoga for some time but Saturn as a Maraka, dealt a death blow to the native. He lost power and was condemned and shot as a war criminal. Dasamsa places Rahu in the 7th in Sagittarius aspected by Mars and Saturn. Rahu with Mars in the 7th in the Navamsa indicated death by violence.

Chart No. 4 is that of a great leader who fought for the independence of his country from foreign rule and who, thanks to the situation of Mars in the 7th, became a dictator, grabbed all political power and was ultimately over-thrown. Again in this case, the native began to taste the fruits of power with the commencement of Saturn’s Dasa. Lord of the Ascendant, Saturn, aspected by Yogakarakas Venus and Mercury, and occupying the constellation of Yogaqkaraka Venus in conjunction with Jupiter, lord of the 2nd and the 11th, rendered him capable of conferring Yoga, which was effectively enjoyed till the end of Rahu’s sub-period when he was deposed. Rahu is in the 10th aspected by Mars and in the 12th from the major dasha lord Saturn. It would be interesting to note that in the Dasamsa, while Saturn is in the Ascendant, aspected by Yogakaraka Mars, Rahu is in the 12th with the lord of the 10th indicating loss of power.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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