Shanker Adawal
Part 1
number of articles have been written on Adhi Yoga. Various learned contributors
have very rightly pointed out by discussion that Adhi Yoga is one of the best
Yogas for affluence and power. A very good attempt has also been made by them
to explain the rationale behind the good effects of this most important yoga.
It, however, appears that something more can be said on the subject
particularly on the rationale and hence the following lines.
we go into the rationale of this most important and useful yoga, we should
better reproduce the Sloka from Maharishi Parasara himself, the Sloka that
forms the basis of our present discussion. Dealing with Chandradhi Yoga he
Chandradrandrari kamasthathi somyais –
Tatra raja cha mantra cha senani cha
is, from the position of the Moon, if there are in the 8th, the 6th
or in the 7th house, natural benefic planets, then Chandradhi Yoga
is constituted. When the yoga is formed, you have a king or a minister or a
general, respectively, in the descending order of the strength of benefic
planets involved.
theories may be said to exist in regard to the rationale behind this vital
yoga. The first theory lays stress on the position, as such, of benefic planets
in stipulated houses, i.e., the houses counted 6th, 7th
and 8th from the Moon. The second theory lays stress on the Moon vis-à-vis
placed in the 6th, 7th and 8th from benefic
B. N. Addy is of the opinion that Adhi Yoga is in the natural of a yoga of
conversion from malefic to benefic effects by benefic occupation. In more plain
words, what the learned contributor means is that a natural benefic, for
example Venus, when placed in a bad house, say the 6th, changes as
it were the nature of the house from bad to good to the advantage of the
cannot subscribe to the above view. Our submission is that the 6th
house as its very name Roga House, signifies, stands for disease, and such
other undesirable traits as debts and enemies. Destruction of disease would
obviously require that the disease should be adversely effected, that is to
say, that the house of disease – the 6th should be occupied or
aspected by malefic planets. If occupied by a benefic planet, the 6th
house, to our mind, should prospere and lead to more and more disease and
debts, etc. How then can be occupation of the 6th house by a benefic
change it into one of plenty, instead of death as it actually is?
statement of learned contributors in the same article to the effect that Venus
in the 6th and Jupiter in the 8th house becomes powerful,
being karaka planets placed in the 12th of the concerned Bhavas has
also to be taken with a pinch of salt. We are aware of the opinion of the author of Venus Bhavartha Ratnakara to the effect that the 6th house
position of Venus confers yoga and affluence but then it is nowhere stated by
the author that affluence is the result of that position. In fact the author of
Uttarakalamrita holds the same view
when he says, Shashtastho subhakrit
kavihi, i.e., Venus in the 6th house does good. Here again it is
not stated that the good in question accrues from the strength acquired by
Venus by virtue of position in the 6th house, Venus, in every
text-book, is considered useless in the 6th. For example, the author
of Jataka Parijata says:
Sananurindhu sasijaschaturthe gurusute
Bhoomisutaha kutumbe bhrigu saptame
Kalatre vilagnashe viakala bhavanti.
is, the Moon with the Sun and Mercury in the 4th house, Mars in the
2nd, Venus in the 6th and Saturn in the 7th
from Lagna become useless. Obviously Venus in the 6th could not be
considered as powerful.
yet there is no contradiction between the statements of the author of either Uttarakalamrita or of Bhavartha Ratnakara. Venus in the 6th
is considered as week by all canons of astrology and as such would give bad and
undesirable results both in regard to the traits of the house over which he has
lordship and in regard to his karaka properties such as wife. But as he is a
planet of luxury, his aspect on the 12th, house of luxury and
enjoyment enhances these qualities under the law of similitude. Hence Venus in
the 6th is both good and bad – good for financial prospects and bad
for relational prospects, wife, etc.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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