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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Vastushastra and Feng Shui, Chapter XIII, Part – 5

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Defects and Corrections

The defects in the building can be avoided, firstly by following – The Building Bye Laws, secondly by observation, intuition and commonsense. Just observe where the vastu basic rules are flouted, and how can they be countered, to correct the defect.

But when a well is dug at a wrong place, the rectification will not end by closing the well, by filling with earth, but then the well should be abandoned, only after the necessary rituals are performed, and thereafter the new well may be drilled in the new suitable place.

Examples:- Suppose the there is low level in south-west side, to counter this the portion should be filled up.

Entry is from wrong side / place, close it, and open new entry at the correct place / side.

Overhead tank is at the wrong place, shift it to the right portion of building on terrace.

Pooja room is in south-east side, to counter it shift to north-east.

Cowshed in wrong direction say north-east, shift to rightful place i.e. north-west side.

Kitchen is in wrong place say north-east, shit to correct side – south east.

Floor level is say- higher in east and less in west, level of floor should be same i.e. south – west side to be raised.

Bore well in the south-west side obviously is bad, the open well should be closed after following rituals.

When there is a heavy structure in east, or

Stairs in the first half of east, or

Water over head tank in east or Room in east, where elderly person sleeps, and TV antenna over the room, Causes danger of death of senior male member due to heart attack, counter immediately by carrying out of the shift of said item or defect to be rectified.

1. Effects of ground level-elevations and depressions – Summary for necessary corrections.

High level in direction
Effect on the owner
Loss of children
Prosperity and success of sons
Good health
Loss of off springs
Poverty, problems and loss of members of family
Loss of wealth
Monetary gains
Wealth and luxury in life
Central point
Aristocratic life.
Low level in direction
Effects on owner
Health, wealth and long life
Loss of wealth and mental worries
Happy and luxurious life
Loss of wealth, health, sons etc.
Happy and prosperous life
Danger of fire and enemies
Loss of wealth and health
Health problems and losses.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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