For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Today's Astral Energy

Family used to be a place where one could relax & where you found unconditional love & acceptance. Today family's have become a place where you have to prove yourself as a provider all the time and THAT SO CALLED LOVE/ADMIRATION is related to 'what is your potential as a provider' - it is ironical but true and applies to WORKING COUPLES more - suffocating as some tell me . This has also lead to the so called loved ones in a family to make groups - control - divide - create FEAR - arrogance & other games - the RUST in our family, relationship & love makes it a JOB & MAY not do good for our country that values family - we must make BREAK AWAY easier for both sides or the VALUE system should improve --- -- DO NOT KNOW --- my random thought - your say

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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