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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit: Transit of Planets, Chapter III, Part - 4

Dr. Shanker Adawal

3.3 Transit by Planets

Part 2

i) The Mars: It lasts for about one week. It energizes the areas of life related to the natal planet being affected. The native will be more energetic and will be able to work harder than usual. Mars can also promote tension and anger, so there is a need to watch the temper during a Mars transit, especially for transits with the Moon. Plan to keep busy during a Mars transit, so as to have an outlet for the excessive energy. There is also a need to take extra precautions against rushing and accidents. One should be on especial guard when Mars transits the Sun or the ascendant.

ii) The Jupiter: It lasts some months and presents opportunities in the area of life involved by the aspected planet. It is a period of expansion and exceptional opportunities for achieving success in business, receiving benefits and good favours. Travelling, knowledge and new experiences are also possible. Difficult aspects may lead to serious misjudgment, exaggerated or extravagant behavior and sheer bad luck.

iii) The Saturn: It is a period of limitation, restriction, possible ill-health, depleted energy, losses, depressive moods, general misfortune or even death. However it can be a useful time for wise & long term planning, conserving energy, building up resources, serious study and contemplation of life & self. The native needs patience as this is not a time to push ahead with plans and affairs; and forcing matters will not do good. It is better to accept that this transit will slow down the rhythm of life in the planet or house involved. It is a time to consolidate and prepare for better go-ahead indications in the chart.

iv) The Nodes: Rahu and Ketu are called Moon’s nodes. Rahu is also known as Ascending Node or the Dragon’s Head, while Ketu is called Descending Node or Dragon’s Tail. They are known as shadowy planets as they have no physical bodies. The two Nodes of the Moon-Rahu and Ketu, are as important as any other planet. It is believed that Rahu acts as Saturn and Ketu as Mars. At times they deliver promises of Saturn/ Mars, even though their dasha period may be far away. Their transits over luminaries are very bad and is the least malefic over Mercury. They become violent over Mars/ Saturn. Since they do not own any houses, their effects are also influenced by their depositor in the natal chart. Their transits invariably have an element of suddenness or unexpectedness both in good and bad ways.

3.3.3 Periods of Transit: The term transit refers to the movements of planets day today, month to month, and year to year around the zodiac and the influence of these relative to one’s own horoscope. During transit, the planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn) move at different speeds (Mand or slower, Stationary, Atichar or faster) before and after retrogression. Therefore, it is important to know the average speeds of various planets in their journey through the zodiac, which are as under;

Table-6: Average speed of planets

Through the Zodiac
Through the Sign
Per day
One Month (27.32 days)
2-1/4 day
12 – 15 deg.
One Year (365.25 days)
One Month
One degree
About one year (Always within 28 deg. Of Sun)
About one Month (Variable & depends on retrogression
66’ to 100’
About One Year (Always within 48 deg. Of Sun)
62’ to 82’
1.88 years (About 23 months)
About Two Month (Variable & depends on retrogression)
31’ to 44’
11.86 years
One year
5’ to 15’
18 years
18 Months
29.46 Years
30 months


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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