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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: Tajika Yogas, Chapter IV, Part - 3


Dr. Shanker Adawal

There are four types of Ithasala yoga as under:

i) Vartmaan Ithasala: It means applying at present. If the conditions of Ithasala are present as indicated in the above Para, it is called Vartmaan Ithasala Yoga. If the Lagnesh or Karyesh are in their own/ exaltation sign or posited in benefic houses or beneficially aspected, the good results of the yoga will be experienced soon. For example in the example chart given below, Lagnesh Mercury is in Vartmaan Ithasala with 2nd lord Venus and also with 4th lord Jupiter, since in both the case all the three conditions are fully met. This indicates accruing wealth, vehicles and comforts during the year. In the chart, 8th lord Mars (in 4th house) also forms Ithasala with 2nd lord Venus in 2nd house. This confirms that the native may get all the wealth & comforts as part of heredity. As 4th lord Jupiter is posited in 12th house, native may inherit wealth (land, property and wealth) at a far off place.

ii) Poorna Ithasala: It means the perfect Ithasala. In this case the fast moving planet is behind the slow moving planet but within one degree. Since the two planets are so close to each other, the radiance of one influence the other in an increased way. In the above example chart, Lagnesh Mercury is in Poorna Ithasala with 8th lord Mars in the same house (inimical aspect). Hence the native had acute heart problem during the year.

ii) Bhavishyat Ithasala: It is in Ithasala not present now but may be formed in the near future. In this case other conditions of Ithasala are met, but the difference of longitudes of the two planets involved in the yoga are just outside their Deeptamsha range and are likely to come within the Deeptamsha range shortly. This yoga gives result after some delay or in later part of the year. However the two planets should not be separated from the range of their.

Deeptamsha beyond one degree or so. Say in a chart, Mercury with 14-34’ in a benefic house is in mutual Tajika aspect with Jupiter with a degree of 23-05’. The difference in longitudes of the two planets is 8-31’, which is slightly more than their average Deeptamsha range of 7+9/2= 8. After a day or so the Mercury, the faster moving planet will close the difference and be within their Deeptamsha range. Hence they form Bhavishyat Ithasala Yoga.

In a variation of above rules, two planets are also said to be in Bhavishyat ithasal, when they are placed in contiguous houses and thus are devoid of any aspect and incapable of forming any Ithasala. However if the faster moving planet is at the end of its sign, it is said to be operating from next sign as well. If the slow moving planet is not far advanced in his sign, it may form an Ithasala yoga, as soon as the faster moving planet enters the new sign. However the faster moving planet should not be retrograde. This may however give results after some delay.
Main Features are:
1. Moon is in the 11h house of Scorpio at 29: 56’ and has no apparent relation with Mars in the preceding house of Libra at 3:56’ degrees.

2. However after few hours only, Moon will enter Sagittarius and immediately establish Ithasala with Mars.

3. The Moon will also move out of its sign of debilitation.

iv) Rashi-anta (or Rashyanta) Ithasala: It means that this Ithasala involves a planet at the end of a sign or Rashi. A planet posited at 29 degrees or more in a Rashi is called at Rashi-anta. A fast moving planet at Rashi-anta extends its influence to the next house also. In Rashi-anta Ithasala, the two planets are not in Ithasala because the faster moving planet is at Rasi-anta much ahead of slow moving planet, although they may be in mutual aspect. But the faster moving planet at Rash-anta on entering the next house still maintain aspect and establishes Ithasala with the slower moving planet and is well within their Deeptamsha range. In the example chart no. 8, 11th lord Moon is at Rashi-anta in 7th house and hence cannot establish Ithasala with 12th lord Sun. However, Moon being much feaster than Sun, within hours enters 8th house and immediately establishes close Ithasala with 12th lord Sun in 10th house.

Main Features are:
1. Moon is at Rashyanta (being at more than 29 degree).

2. Moon is in aspect with Mercury and Venus but does not establish Ithasala being far advanced in degrees compared to both of them.

3. Moon will soon move to next sign and still maintain aspect with both Mercury and Venus and within Deeptamsha range.

4.  Moon being 10th lord operating from 8th house, establish Ithasala with 8th lord Venus and 12th lord Mercury indicating obstruction/ interruption in native’s profession.

Shanker Adawal

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