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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: Introduction to Tajika Shastra, Chapter I, Part - 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Introduction to Tajika Shastra

Origin & Advent of Tajika

1. Tajiki is a language of present Tajakistan and Uzbekistan. This language comes under Indo-Greek-Iranian language family. The primordial form of Persian language is the one used in Persia and Armenia in Arcandian ruling period. The books of Zaratushtra (1500BC) are written in such old Persian. Later when Arabs conquered Iran, the modern Persian language (9th century AD) originated. Thus much knowledge transfer took place via the language path old Tajiki- old Armenian- old Persian- modern Persian- Indian languages. One of the branches of knowledge, which got transferred through this path is Tajika astrology. It is the ancient astrology prevalent in Tajikistan, Armenia and Uzbekistan. It is astonishing to note that the system still preserved its old roots of origin even after this much transfer and transformations. It is one of the rudimentary branches of non-vedic astrology that was popular in Tajakistan and is known as Tajika astrology.

2. “Brihad Davivaja Ranjana” by Shrimad Ramadeena Daivajna is an excellent book on astrology with numerous quotes from ancient Rishi Horas, like Hora Ratna, and Mahurat Chintamani. One of these states that Sage Romaka or Raunuka in his astronomical treatise “Romaka Siddhanta” says-

 “Brahma gaditam bhanor bhanuna yavanaya yat
Yavanena cha yat proktam Tajikam tat prakasitam”

(The knowledge of Tajik astrology was given by Brahma to Sun. The Sun gave to Yavanas, who explained it to the people of Tajikistan and is called Tajika astrology).

The above quote tells that it is the tradition & culture of worshippers of Brahma, the creator, who taught astrology to Sun-worshippers, who in turn taught the Yavans. Varahmir in 6th century AD, in his text “Panch Siddhanta” quoted Romaka Siddhanta, suggesting that sage Romaka or Raunaka lived prior to himand wrote several texts such as Hora and Samhita. Interestingly some of western astrologers feel that Sage Romaka belong to Greek lineage.

3. It was with Arab invasions of NW India, from 7th century onwards or with the Indian mercantile trade with Arabs, Armenians and Persians, that knowledge of Tajika astrology came to India. In 1544 AD, an Indian scholar Neelkantha son of Shrimad Anant Daivajna translated this system from Arabic/Persian to Sanskrit in his text “Tajika Neelkanthi”. Later his son Govinda wrote a commentary on this book, by the name of “Rasala” and another commentary by the name of “Peeyush Dhara”. Prior to Neelkantha, there lived one scholar, Samara Simha, who wrote some well appreciated text on this branch of astrology in Sanskrit on Mundane astrology. The “Tajik Neelkanthi” comprised of three parts:

1. Samjna Tantra (Naming system and basic knowledge).

2. Varsha Tantra (Mundane astrology and Varsha phal).

3. Prashna Tantra (Horary astrology).

4. Roughly during the same period another great astrologer Keshava wrote “Tajika Shastra”. In ancient times, all the branches of Vedic knowledge were known as “Nigam” and of all non-vedic knowledge as “Agam or Tantra”. Just as this system preserved its old roots of origin in its name Tajiki (pointing to Tajakistan), the use of the word “Tantra” denotes non-vedic or Asura knowledge. Thus various branches of Tajik astrology points to its ancient Tantrik origin.

Shanker Adawal
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