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A Guide to Palmistry: Tips for Hand Reading, Chapter XIX, Part - 4

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Modus Operandi

When examining the hands it is better to do so by daylight rather than by artificial light unless the latter is very good. Sit opposite the subject, permit-ting the light to fall on his hands and examine both hands, see what the character has been by the left, and how it has altered as shown in the right. In reference to what has been said before, it is better to rely rather on the right hand for information than on the left, and it is therefore advisable to ascertain whether one’s subject is right or left handed.

The natural position of the fingers must be noted, and if difficulty is experienced it is found useful to ask the subject to hold up his hand palm towards the reader; the fingers will then be found to assume their natural positions. First of all the predominating mount or finger and mount must be ascertained, and as one commences to read examine the three worlds, texture, flexibility, consistency, etc., then the thumb and fingers, nails, etc., and read each in its special significance to the predominating division, noticing how each influences and modifies the qualities of the type.

Be very careful not to make mistakes by omitting to examine everything bearing on the part of the hand examined.

Speak slowly and distinctly, without hesitation, and truthfully. You need not offend, however plainly you speak, if you use tact.

Be careful lest you frighten a sensitive and highly-strung subject, put yourself into your consultant’s place and feel for him or her.

Do not read the future until you are fully able to do so, and then strive to warn and to strengthen rather than to create an impression.

This study cannot be learnt in a day, so do not be discouraged if at first you fail-it is worth much attention, for by it the Book of Nature-the study of Man-is open to all.

Knowledge is power, let us therefore seek it that we may help others and be of use to ourselves.

The Female Hand
The characteristics of each type, as we have enumerated them, apply to women as well as to men, though we have, for convenience sake, made use throughout of the masculine pronoun; at the same time, there are certain modifications which seem to require exposition; as, for instance, the square spatulate types are much less pronounced in woman than in man, a fact shown by the greater suppleness and elasticity of the female hand in general, consequent on the differences existing between the male and female dispositions. The man creates, but the woman develops; to man belongs the faculty of principle, to woman the gift of form; our laws are made by man, but our morals by woman; and it has been justly said that man is the spirit of the woman, but woman is the soul of the man. Few women have their joints developed, so few women have the faculty of combination; in intellectual occupations they choose generally those requiring more tact than science, more activity of mind than of body, more  imagination than judgment; if their hands are knotty, their intellects are, so to speak, diluted; they are then less impressionable, and less given to the inspirations of fancy. Women may be divided by this science into two classes; those with large and those with small thumbs; the first, more intelligent than sensitive, have a natural taste for history and similar studies; the second, more sensitive than intellectual, prefer romance. Consideration and clear headedness is the gift of those with large thumbs; love with them is more a matter of head than heart, but it is also more free and faithful, and a large-thumbed woman is never a coquette. With those who have a small thumb, on the contrary, love is their all in all, and though they are not so clever, they are infinitely more fascinating. The cares of womanhood, the sympathy which is natural to her, and the troubles of maternity, all require and enforce a high degree of intelligence; therefore the elementary hand is of extremely rare occurrence among women; and in communities where the men represent for the most part this type the empire of woman is supreme. Man under these circumstances is dead to the charms o youth, and nearly always marries a woman older than him, to be governed by her.

Indian women usually have the exterior phalange delicately squared, consequent on their willingness to adopt household cares. The women of the Oriental harems, on the other hand, devoted unto death, have, generally, small slim hands, with small thumbs. Such women as Charlotte Corday, Sophie de Condorcet, and Lucile Desmoulins, women, whose very souls were permeated only with one feverish ideal, had very pointed fingers. Take a woman with rather spatulate fingers and a small thumb; such a woman has an unlimited fund of affection and freedom of soul, love of activity, and knowledge of real life; she loves and understands horses, and all other animals; her ideas are practical and useful. The woman with square fingers and a small thumb will have everything in her house orderly and punctual, but without tyranny or despotism; by her example she keeps all things neat and under control. If she has a large thumb, it indicates a virago, tyrannical towards her servants and towards her children; at the same time, the square phalange may indicate narrow-mindedness, prudishness, and fussiness if the hand inclines to hardness. Little, soft, supple hands, with marked joints, and a pretty colour, indicate sharpness, vivacity and brilliancy; love with them must be gay, for their sole object is to be merry. If a woman has hands with a strong palm, conic fingers, and a small thumb, she is most accessible to rhetoric and the fervid language of love, which explains, palliates, extols all things; to please her one must be brilliant, for she prefer oratory and persuasion to logic and sound sense. Delicate, smooth-pointed fingers, with a little thumb and a narrow elastic palm, proclaim an indolent enthusiasm; such woman is governed more by heart than by sense and spirit; she do not care about the realities of life and conventional duties; she is pious, but hardly devoted; enthusiastic in spirit, but not in body.

Thus, it will be seen that, though the types have much the same characteristics among women as among men, yet, to read the character of a woman, as shown by her hand, requires more tact and self-confidence than is required in reading that of a man. But, without multiplying instances, we hope that the notes contained in this chapter may aid the would be Palmist to analyse and discern these differences; and having shortly enumerated the points of importance to be remembered with regard to Palmistry, we may safely launch the reader upon the more tempestuous and dangerous sea of Palmistry.

Shanker Adawal
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