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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Ayur (Longevity) Yogas, Chapter XII, Part – 3


Dr. Shanker Adawal

4.4 Anti-dots / Cancellation for Balarishta
i) If strong Moon occupies exaltation/ own sign or is Vaorgottam or form a strong benefic Yoga, the Balarishta is averted.

ii) Powerful unafflicted Jupiter, posited in Lagna, destroys all evils.

iii) Strong Jupiter Venus or Mercury, occupying a Kendra, free from affliction and maintaining its strength in Navamsha, the child lives long.

iv) A strong lagna lord, if aspected by benefics occupies a Kendra, removes all afflictions.

v) Lagna/Moon in Subh-kartari in a benefic sign averts Arishta. Aspect of Jupiter/ Venus further strengthens it.

vi) If from lagna/ Moon, benefics occupy 6th, 7th, & 8th without malefic influence, it is very strong anti-dot.

vii) Rahu in 3, 6, or 11th from Lagna without any malefic influence, counteracts any danger of early death.

viii) If birth occurs in day-time in dark half or in the night in bright half and the Moon is aspected both by benefic & malefic planet, the child lives long.

ix) If at birth, three or more planets are in exaltation/ own sign, it bestows longevity to the child.

x) If depositor of Moon is in Lagna or Venus aspects an exalted Moon, without any malefic influence, misfortunes are melted away.

xi) If all the planets are Sheershodaya signs, all evils are averted.

xii) Even if Moon is in 6th or 8th, but is in Dreshkon of a benefic planet without malefic influence, the child will be protected.

xiii) Even if depositor of Moon is a malefic, but it occupies a Kendra with benefic influence, the child will be protected.

The chart suggests Balarishta as 2nd lord Moon is in 8th house with Mars and aspected by Ketu. However, the native is alive and healthy till date as;

i) Mars is exalted and Ketu is called Kujavat.

ii) Depositor of Ketu is Lagnesh Mercury, placed in a Kendra (7th house) with 5th lord Venus aspecting Lagna.

iii) 7-10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house unafflicted and aspect lagna.

iv) Moon is in Subhkartari between Mercury & Jupiter.

v) Moon is in Dreshkon of Lagnesh Mercury.

5. Yogas for Alpayu/ Short life
5.1 i) Sun, Moon & Mars are in 5th house from lagna.

ii) Malefic Lagnesh is in 12th from Moon and is aspected by another malefic.

iii) Lagnesh & 8th lord both are weak and lagna is aspected by a malefic.

iv) No benefic aspects on lagna, Lagnesh, Moon & Moon sign lord.

v) Saturn-R in Aries/ Scorpio in a Kendra and 6th or 8th house is aspected by Mars.

vi) 8th lord along with a malefic (Saturn, Mars or Rahu) in 6th/ 12th house.

vii) 8th lord in 7th house with 7th lord.

viii) Lagnesh & 8th lord in 6th/ 8th/ 12th with no benefic influence.

ix) Lagna lord & Moon are weak and 8th lord is in a Kendra.

x) The Sun & Saturn are in Kendras and Mars is in lagna (other than in own sign).

xi) Lagnesh is combust or defeated by a malefic in planetary war.

xii) Lagna/ Moon is aspected by 8th lord from lagna/ Moon and by Saturn/ Mars, with no benefic influence.

xiii) Saturn in Leo Navamsha aspected by Rahu.

xiv) Weak Moon in 6th/ 8th house influenced by Rahu.

xv) Sun, Moon & Saturn in inimical signs with benefics in Apoklim houses.

xvi) Sun, Mars & Saturn in Lagna with weak Moon in 6th/ 7th house.

xvii) 8th & 12th lord are weak and Saturn is in Lagna in a dual sign.

xviii) Lagna is occupied by Sun/ Moon in Paap-Kartari.

xix) Lagna is in last degree occupied by a malefic.

xx) Moon and natural malefic are in 2, 8 or 12th houses.

xxi) Moon in Mrityu-bhag degree in a Kendra/ 8th house.

xxii) Birth in a Gandanta/ Sandhi and conjoined/ aspected by a malefic.

For illustration, please refer Chart No. 15 of B. Surya Prakash.

Shanker Adawal
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