For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Today's Astral Energy

The astrological read of TODAY'S ENERGY based on my analysis of MOON and THE MOVEMENTS/ANGLES of planets - August, 16, 12 - A day when the soul - mind - intellect come together with the right emotion and sensitivity - deal with your loved ones, marital discord and issues with friends/family/at work place - emotional IQ should be used more. A day to strike balance but do not let beautiful things and time slip away.

Thought For Today - We all have great potential to change and choose. The PROBLEM IS THE THOUGHT - PATTERNS that make us react negatively in the form of fear, anger, greed, being lazy, lust and so on - they become so strong that we tend to follow them - they are our SANSKARS or BELIEF SYSTEMS - we must work to get AWAY from them or change them to be happier and contented in this MATERIAL WORLD.

Shanker Adawal

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