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Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part - 11


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Enemy / Limb

Y-1- When the lord of the Ascendant is between two inimical planets, the person born will be in fear of enemies.

Y-2- If Ketu or Rahu be in the Ascendant and the lord thereof be in a evil houses (Dusthhana 6th, 8th or 12th), the person will suffer deprivation of some limb in the ripening of the dasa of the lord of the Ascendant and in the antardasa of the lord of the 6th house (from the lord of the Ascendant).

Y-3- If the lord of the 6th house from the Ascendant occupies it in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, an ulcer may break out in the body.

Health ailing

Y-1- If the lord of the Ascendant occupying a Trine or a Angle be devoid of strength, the person born will be sickly/ailing.

Y-2- If the lord of the house occupied by the lord of the Ascendant be in an evil houses/Dusthhana, he will have a weak constitution.

Y-3- The lord of the Ascendant occupying the 12th, 6th or 8th house (from the Ascendant) in conjunction with a malefic planet destroys the bodily health of the person born.

Y-4- He will be ailing, if the lord of the 1st house is in conjunction with the lord of the 6th occupies a Dusthhana or the Ascendant.

Y-5- When a malefic planet is in the Ascendant and the lord there of is without strength, the person born will be sickly.

Y-6- He will be of a irritable temper if the lord of the Ascendant be weak.

N-1- Exempted from ailment if the lord of the Ascendant be in a Angle or Trine.


Y-1- If the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the Ascendant be in the 8th place from the Ascendant, the person will be weak.

Note: Houses generally become weak, when their lords are in signs, whose owners are badly placed (i.e. are in Dusthana).

Y-2- Sun in Ascendant or 8th conjunct/aspected by Mars indicate fear from weapon, fire, diseases like Cholera.

Rheumatism- Saturn in or aspecting the Ascendant will cause rheumatic disorders and Make the native weak, as a result of craving for sex.

Diabetes- Mars in or aspecting the Ascendant will cause wounds, troubles from pox, fear from fire and Diabetes.

Lame- Saturn in Ascendant occupying his own drekkana (decanate) in company of Rahu will cause lameness.

Deaf- If the three planets, Sun, Moon & Mars stand together in 4, 6, 8 or 12th houses aspected by Malefic/enemy, the native will become deaf.

Dumb- The native will become dumb if lord of 2nd with debilitation joins Jupiter or Moon and stands in 3, 6, 8 or 12th.

Nose & Ears- If Mars, Saturn,Sun and Moon stand united in 5th, even with benefic aspect; disfiguration or loss of nose and ears will occur.

Mars, Saturn and Rahu staying together in 8th is said to be an indication for the loss of nose for the native, or disfiguration of the same, according to Kerala shastra.

T.B.- T.B. is indicated if Saturn, Jupiter and Sun are placed together in 7th/8th. Saturn and Jupiter in 7th/8th indicate lung disorder whereby nativity spits out blood stained Sputum.

Urinary Disorders- Urinary disorders will result if lord of 6th or 7th joins with lord of 12th and is aspected by Saturn.

Hernia- The native will surfer from Anda Roga (Hernia) in the Major period of Mars, Rahu and Saturn, who are placed together in 7th; or in the Major period of Jupiter and Rahu, if both of them are placed in Ascendant.

Humpback- Conjunction of Mars and Rahu in Ascendant indicates humpback.

Throat- Conjunction of Saturn, Mars and Rahu in 3rd indicates throat disorders.

Leprosy- Moon/Mercury becoming lord of Ascendant and placed in company of Rahu/Ketu aspected by Saturn indicates that the native will suffer from Shweta Kushta (White leprosy).

This Yoga is applicable for Gemini, Cancer and Virgo Ascendants only.


Shanker Adawal

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