For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Today's Astral Energy

The astral energy of May 16, 2012 says - You will want to slip away - there will be a need to dissect your job - family - love; things would be like boiling - perhaps you will like not to decide an take help of GOD - GURU - SPIRITUALITY.

Food For The Mind - The role - resources - relationship combination drives your life - mood - happiness. This is wrong as these are external ACTS we play in the life drama - treat your ROLES as separate from your internal happiness - they should not MAKE your STABILITY INDEX within GO UP & DOWN . Try this and do it consciously - do it slowly - you may fail but keep on trying - will help you to be happier - this is MEDITATION.

Your wife / husband / loved ones / job - boss/ your choices which we call compromises CANNOT affect YOU / YOUR - SELF / YOUR HAPPINESS - you are your BOSS and everything else is a JOB you try performing the best with & shall not disturb your equilibrium within - please try ------ . Happiness and stability is YOUR CREATION within YOURSELF- do this self talk and let this be your MEDITATION whenever you get time for a MINUTE.

Shanker Adawal

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