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Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part - 75


Dr. Shanker Adawal


But he is very intelligent.

(Mercury alongwith Venus).

Native Nature

He loves all and helps all.

(Jupiter alongwith Venus and Mercury. Besides Venus is depositor of Ketu).

Political Field

He is in the political field.

(Sun is exalted in the debilitated sign of Saturn behind Jupiter).


He will try many jobs and generally will be mediocre.

(Jupiter has depositor of Saturn associated with Mercury in an inimical sign Taurus with enemies).

Job government

And at 28 he will finally settle down in a government technical institute.

(Saturn karka of service contact Mars having exalted Sun in the next house with aspect of Moon from 7th indicates government (Mars depositor of exalted Sun) technical (Mars) institute (Moon). Thus when Jupiter transit Moon at 28 with aspect of Mars it give this result).


He will be married at 28 years.

(Probably Jupiter transit over Moon in Virgo, whose sign lord Mercury associated with Venus).

Pull on

He will pull on till 40.

(In 3rd round after 28 years means contact with Cancer the sign of exaltation and then contact Moon in 4th round i.e. 40 years).


Have some promotions in between 40 – 48 or 50.

(Jupiter fourth round means contact with Royal sign Leo and in this round transit over Moon (40) is very good for promotion and lasts till it transit Saturn.

(At 50 – 51 Jupiter transit Cancer sign of exaltation of Jupiter with Jupiter in 11th). Depositor in 11th is gain and good/excellent depending on the planet’s status.


Between 52 and 54 he will undergo operation and there after improve health.

(In 5th round transit in Virgo the natural 6th sign and with Moon in inimical sign and aspect of Mars karka for operation. Thus at 52 when Jupiter transit Moon in an inimical sign there will be health problems but aspect of friend Mars (karka of operation) from a friendly sign gives operation and improvement).

Health – wind troubles

He will have wind troubles at 43 – 47 and 53.

(Rahu behind Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Jupiter may cause wind troubles more so Jupiter is in 6th from its sign Sagittarius. Thus when Jupiter transit Saturn (43) Rahu (47) and again opposition Rahu in Libra with its lord Venus in 8th give the problems. This is very important. Transit of Jupiter on Saturn with its lord Jupiter in 6th is malefic for health. As Jupiter is depositor of Saturn and Rahu behind it causes wind troubles. Similarly transit over Rahu with its lord in Mars in 12th causes troubles and so again its transit in Libra with its lord in 8th causes wind troubles.


Wife will be a noble lady.

(Venus associated with Jupiter and Mercury. Venus is also depositor of Ketu).

Trade – gain of money

Between 52 – 57 trades will bring him much money and it will continue till 65 – 67. As explained in earlier paragraphs the 5th and 6th round of Jupiter have the inherent potential.

Chart No. 54


Shanker Adawal

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