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Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part - 40


Dr. Shanker Adawal


He will be greatly under debt.

(Venus karka of money with inimical Sun and Jupiter and Moon in 12th to it).

Brothers and sisters

He will have 5-6 brothers and sisters.

(Planets associated with Jupiter and in 7th house and in 12th).

Unhappy times – brothers and sisters

Though born in a good family they don’t have a happy time.

As Venus is in conjunction with Sun and Jupiter who are enemies and Moon is in 12th to the position of Venus. (Venus is karka of happiness, comforts and luxury. Venus position is spoiled being with enemies Jupiter and Sun. Besides, Moon an enemy of Venus may join Venus from its 12th position and this will further spoil it).

Chart No. 18

Father profession

Native father will make livelihood in a Vedic educational service.

With Sun and Mercury combination in Taurus and parallelly Venus in Cancer. (Sun karka for father with Mercury karka of education is in Taurus sign karka of education in zodiac. Venus in Cancer represents educational institution).

And own lands and houses.

(Cancer sign in zodiac stands for house and land and Venus there having Sun before it indicates so).

Profession of native

Native will live by earning from propitiations to the divine doing holy actions and living an austere life.

As Saturn is followed by Sun, Mercury in adjoining houses to Cancer where Venus is placed with Jupiter and Ketu in 7th to Saturn. (Saturn the karka of service aspected by Jupiter and Ketu is responsible for such a profession). The placement of Sun and Mercury next to Saturn and Venus in Cancer along with aspect of Jupiter and Ketu totally describes his profession.

He will have children

One daughter will have many troubles in her life

(Venus is the house of Moon enemy.) His children will be in medical profession or dedicate life to Vedic culture.

Chart No. 19

Ambitions of the native mounting to skies

As Jupiter is placed in Scorpio the native will have high ambitions mounting to skies.

Native will have trouble in his 5th year

As Rahu’s placed in 5th house to Jupiter

He will become a rich man

(As Saturn is placed in 7th to Jupiter, in sign of Venus Taurus).

Troubles will arise in 6th, 11th, 29th, 33rd and 37th years and then again in 69th to 70th years

(In 6th year Jupiter will be in Aries sign which is 8th from Jupiter and surrounded by malefic Saturn and Rahu. In 11th years it will be transiting in Virgo over Ketu and in an inimical sign. In second round of Jupiter the deciding factor is consideration of next sign Sagittarius, which is its own without any malefic aspects. In 3rd round it will be in an enemy sign with aspects of Ketu an enemy of Jupiter. In 3rd round Jupiter will be transiting Pisces over Rahu at 29th year and in sign Leo in 32-33, where enemies are there and depositor in 12th or over Sun aspected by Rahu. In 37-38 year again in its own sign and with its depositor in 12th. In 5th round i.e. 60 to 72, again in Cancer over Sun, with aspect of Rahu and Saturn, and then in 71stwhen transiting over Ketu).


Shanker Adawal

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