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How to infer a birth ascendant? - Part 1

Inference of fortune is known as Lagan Spasht in Hindi. The calculation of birth ascendant is somewhat more extricate than the inference of planets. Inference of birth ascendant is derevid from the inference of the Sun. Add Sambat of birth to the inference of Sun. If a Rashi increases due to adding clear anshas the Sun will be considered to represent that Rashi. For example, in birth, the Sun is inside Libra Rashi but it becomes Scorpio Rashi due to addition of ainunsha. The calculation will be made month dhurva of Scorpio. In case, the Rashi does not increase by adding ainunsha its calculation will be done on the dhurva of Rashi in which it will be in the birth. It will be the number of resultant Rashi after adding clear anshas. For instance, it is inside birth in Libra Rashi. Six Rashi upto Virgo will be noted down separately and the calculation will be made on dhurva of Libra Rashi in the manner that ansh, ghari and pal made through adding ainunsha should be excluded from one Rashi namely 30 ansh. The remainder should be written at three places maintaining distance among them. It means that on the right hand side the first place will

be given to ansh, the second place will be occupy by ghari while the third place will be taken by pal. The Rashi of the Sun established by adding ankansha to the dhurva of that Rashi will be written under all the three grades to begin calculation from the left hand side. First of all, the total may be obtained by multiplying the number of pals of dhurva to be followed by multiplication by 60. Let the quotient and the remaining number be left where they are. The gharis in the average should be multiplied by the number of dhurva. Let quotient and the remainder after dividing them by 60. Then, on the first stage, dhurva is to be multiplied by the number of anshas and obtain the total by including the quotient of gharis. This total is to be divided by 30. The quotient will be written down separately. The digits of the remaining three degrees or units, namely the remainders of anshas, gharis, and pals will be noted down separately and exceeded from 30 anshas the remainder is to be written and he left after calculation. Later, convert the birth time into pal. Exclude from this the quotient anshas written separately. Keep the remainder separate. Pal together the Rashias of the inference of the Sun and exact anshas. It the fermer is one, the latter will be two; if the former is two the letter will be three asd so on. Further, the remainder from the number of anshas after exceeding the quotient be excluded. If any durva of Rashi. This process will go on in a series till there comes a stage when no Rashi can be excluded. Dhurva of Libra Rashi also will be included in the same calculation and excluded from the pals of birth inference. When a dhurva of Rashi cannot be excluded leave it there itself. Exclude one more number from the remainder. Then work out the total by multiplying the remaining number with 30. Also, make it a point that add as many Rashias to the Rashias of the inference of Sun as corresponding dhurva of Rashias have been exceeded from

the pals of birth time. This is done to retain the number of Rashias in memory. It also happens that when the birth time is converted into pals no dhurva of a Rashi can be excluded from it. This is not a  problematic situation. After excluding the division of anshas from the pals of birth time as described above exclude one number and work the total by multiplying the remainder with 30. Here, no Rashi will be included in the rasaas of the Sun except one excluded from the total of birth time. That Rashi will be certainly in excess as it has been calculated towards the next Rashi. Now, the total which has been established through multiplying the total by 30 will be deemed divisible by the devisor. The Rashi of which a dhurva could not be excluded from the pals of birth time its number of dhurva will be converted into divisor. The total of dividend will be divided. However, that number of first degree will be excluded form 24 anshas to be written separately. Included in the total and divide again. Multiply the remaining numbers by 60. Having included the number of the second degree divide the number of the second degree divide again on the same divisor. Multiply the remainder by 60 and divide the total by adding to the number of the third degree. When the three degrees have been obtained through division leave the remaining ones. Write down the quotients of these three degrees separately and write down the number of Rashias already mentioned there on the first degree. If the number of Rashias is up to eleven leave them as they are. If the number is up to twelve and becomes eleven by excluding the main ansha then again leave it there as it is. Otherwise, replace Rashias with zero. There will be Rashi but this condition will exist only when the birth ascendant is Aries. In case the number of Rashi goes up from 12 to 35, 14, 15, and so on up to 23 then exclude from it 12 because

the final counting of Rashias is up to 12. When the four degrees or units namely Rashi and ansh and ghari and pal have been obtained it has to be seen that the same remain ansha ascribed to the Sun can be excluded or not. This condition will emerge when are the human calculation will be considered in place of Rashia. When it happens so add one more Rashi whatever will remain is the inference of birth ascendant.

Dr. A. Shanker

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