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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. - PUBLISHED September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. - PUBLISHED October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. - PUBLISHED October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity..... PUBLISHED December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings..... December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.....


An Example of Watching the Ascendant!

Suppose one wants to up work out the ascendant for 10 Baishakh-Sambat 1965 corresponding to 21 April at 12 noon.

Almanac of that day reveals that in the month of Baisakh the Sun rises in the house o Aries and ten days of the month of Baisakh have passed. By multiplying the difference of ascendant by ten days we get 70 pal namely 70 pals. It shows that after passing ten days of Baisakh of and duration of mekhlagam Aries Ascendant is 3 ghari and 23 pal. Form this if we deduct, ghari and 10 pal there will remain 2 ghari and 13 pal. It means after ten days of Baisakh have been passed melhlagan remain for 2 ghari and 26 pal per almanac entry to get 16 ghari and 18 pal. This is the preferred opportune time of 12 noon. Now we will take next the Taurus accendant with period of 3 ghari and 5 pal to add it to 2 ghari and 13 pal of ascendant of Aries. The Taurus ascendant will remain for 6 ghari 12 pal. Since we have to see the ascendant of 16 ghari and 8 pal after the Sun rise and this total figure of ascendant is less than our required almatan of 16 ghari 15 pal me will, therefore, add 5 ghari 40 pal of Cancer lagan to 11 ghari and 10 pal of Gemini lagan the Concer lagan will remain for 16 gahri and 58 pal since this total duration is grater then 16 ghari and 15 pal Concer lagan will prevail our descried time of 16 ghari and 15 pal which has probably started from 11 ghari and 10 pal and will and up at 16 ghari 58 pals.

Note: If there seems to be a difference in establishing ascendant according to the pocker watch the preferred ascendant, may be adjusted by deducting Ascendant in Terms of Hour and Minute ghari and 20 pals. Daily time for watching In the following chart we have mentioned the beginning and the end of each ascendant in terms of hour and minute. The

Sun is for the entire month in the holstice sankrant of its Rashi. Later, the remaining ascendant of subsequent times seems to be in an orderly manner. Every ascendant covers its daily course at the time of Sunrise and comes to an end on the last day of the month. The daily decrease in the duration of the course of ascendants takes place house wise. It is 3 minutes for Aries and Taurus, 4 minutes for Gemini and Cancer, 5 minutes for Leo and Virgo; 5-5 minutes for Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius; 4 minutes for Capricorn and Aquarius and 3 minutes for Pisces. This process becomes complete by the month end.

Dr. Shanker Adawal,

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