If one wants to convert Sambat Bikram into a Gregorian era, we will have to subtract 571 from the known lagoon of Sambat Bikram. To convert the Gregorian year into Sambat Bikram we have to add 571 to the known Gregorian year.
A deduction of 135 years from Sambat Shaka, and a deduction of 549 years from Sambat Bikram will give
Sambat Fash: an addition of 573 years to the known Hijri year will give a Gregorian year. A deduction of 79 years from
the Gregorian date will give the Shaka
year. The addition of 3043 years to a known
Sambat year will give Sambat kalyug.
Norm of Deducting a Solstice: The state where the Sun shifts from one Rashi to another is called Sankrant by Indians. When one wants to know the solstice of Sambat Bikram he should write the number of that Sambat and divide Sambat Shakha by Subtracting 15 from that number. Then see Sambat in Schedule 1 below. If exactly that Sambat is found there it is so far so good. Otherwise, opt for a lesser Sambat. Then write down the lower digits of Sambat found in the schedule in the order of day, ‘ghari’ and ‘pal’. Subsequently, see the remaining digit in Schedule 2. Let the digits given there, will be put under outlined digits of Sambat Mekh in Sankrant of that Sambat Bikram will be obtained at day, ghari and pal.Time and Sambat of Birth: If Sambat of birth is not known see the time when the ascendant was explored.
Dr. A. Shanker
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