For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Moon impact on Sun-sign Aquarius!

This lunar position gives some inclination for Astrology, fortune telling, dreaming, visions, medium ship, mysticism and the occult generally. Native may have interest in the subjects that are unusual, original, eccentric or writing novel etc. Native may also become a freemason or may join some secret or mystical society with the brotherhood association.

Native will be humanitarian in his sympathies, fraternizes readily with those who are congenial to him, is easily drawn into the company of such, and will be found in some club, society, association or group of likeminded people. Native will have an inclination for political, educational and scientific work and may join any movement linked with social cause. He/she may have some inclination for local politics and municipal affairs. Native may have sociable and sympathetic in manner and desirous of good opinion of others, yet he/she may be very independent, unorthodox and unconventional at times.

The moon position increases the imagination and the intuition and mental sensitiveness generally. It is slightly unfavorable for the constitution especially the nervous system while if the Moon is “afflicted” the eyesight may suffer.

Dr. Shanker Adawal,


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