Dr. Shanker Adawal
of Leo with other Zodiac Signs
In any type relationship
with same sign, their own qualities and flaws will magnify. All the positive
personality and character traits of both of them will increase in their
intensity as well as the negative traits. They will have to make efforts to
encourage good qualities and minimize bad qualities of each other. The
attraction between a Leo couples will be instant and the romance will be very
hot. Bold, adventurous and colourful Leo will be a natural match for another,
though some compromise must be achieved, since it will be hard for them to
share the limelight, or to sit on the throne at the same time. Both will love
their regal partner’s grand sense of social awareness, fondness for society and
natural ability to take command. Leo can be bossy, vain demanding, possessive
out of pride and needing to be the centre of attention, but Leo will also
always be loyal and true and caring for each other. Leo is a fixed sign and
therefore the ego conflicts between two Lions can be tempestuous. They will
have to clearly mark territories of each other so that responsibilities and
benefits will be equally shared. For both of them sex will be a sort of
visceral need, and luckily both will like the same things, so even if their
love life will not be particularly imaginative, at least it will be hot and
satisfying. They will be very well matched to smooth out any superficial
personality conflicts, for at a deeper level. Competitive aspects between them
can be exorcised in sport or other physical activities, though they will hate
to lose. Tensions can also be defused through drawing brilliance around in
social gatherings. Together they will make a great team, but if one Lion will
not get enough cooperation, or resent each other’s attempt to rule, problems will
When these two will link
their lives, usually they will fight, pout, shout and make up more often than
any of the other same signs for a constant inward or outward battle for
supremacy. They will be cozily content to pryingly pal around together as they
understand each others swollen vanities, false pride and need to be admired. Many
of the quarrels between them will originate with a blow to his masculine ego,
frequently over the jealousy incited by competition in career, earning ability,
achievement and so forth. Lion man wawnt only win. There is no denying that in
many ways most Lions and Lionesses will be superior to those with whom they
condescend to mingle. They will be intelligent, often handsome or beautiful,
romantically irresistible, kind, generous, wise, protective, courageous, noble,
loyal and lovable. Money will only remain a minor thing between them but if
financial or personal career timetable of a Leo man will be off, it will become
a very big thing quickly. A Leo woman may control all other sign’s man but when
it comes to the male and female Leos, the Lion dominates the Lioness. This is
the nature and it will be not good to
fight Mother Nature.
If other planets between
the two horoscopes especially the Moon (Moon denotes inner feelings) and the
ascendants will have good relations than an intense devotion, loyalty and respect
will be there between both of them. If ascendants and Moon of two horoscopes
will be in unfavorable axis then their relationship will be tense and difficult
indeed. This relationship will be exciting and potentially long-lasting, particularly
if they can find external interests in common, for the two can be very stubborn
and mighty determined to get their own way. Understanding each other’s
strengths and weaknesses can make the relationship reach new heights. This will
be a perfect match.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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