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Mars Dasa and Sub-Period Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 2
Sub-Period of Saturn in the Major Period of Mars
Saturn Sub-period in the Mahadasa of Mars will bring in the life of the native trouble after trouble to his children, wife and elders, numerous calamities, grief, loss of wealth, robbing of wealth by enemies, fear and sickness through heat and wind.
When Saturn is in a Angles, in a Trine, in his Mooltrikona, in his exalted, or his own Navamsa, or, When Saturn in associated with the Lord of Ascendant, or, When Saturn is associated with benefic.
i) Effects, like recognition from the authority, increase in reputation, gain of wealth and grains, happiness from children and grandchildren, increase in the number of cows etc. will be experienced in the Sub-Period of Saturn in the Period of Mars.
ii) Results will generally fructify on Saturdays in the mouth of Saturn.
When Saturn is in his debilitation Sign, or in n enemy Sign, or, When Saturn is in 8th house, or in 12th house.
iii) Danger from Yavanas (foreign dignitaries), loss of wealth, imprisonment, possibility of affliction with diseases, loss in agricultural production will result.
When Saturn is lord of 2nd houses, or 7th houses and is associated with malefic.
iv) Effects, like great danger, loss of life, wrath of officials, mental agony, danger from thieves and fire, punishment by the court, loss of co-born, dissensions amongst members of the family, loss of cattle, fear of death, distress to wife and children, imprisonment etc. will be felt.
When Saturn is in a Angles, in the 11th, or in the 5th from the Lord of the Period-Mars.
v) There will be journeys to foreign lands, loss of reputation, violent actions, loss from sale of agricultural lands, loss of position, agony, defeat in battle, urinary troubles etc.
When Saturn is in the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Period and is associated with malefic.
vi) Effects, like death, danger from the officials and thieves, rheumatism, pains, danger from the enemy and members of the family, will be experienced.
There will be relief from the evil effects by the beneficence of Lord Shiva, When Mahamrutyunjaya is performed in the prescribed manner.
Sub-Period of Mercury in the Major Period of Mars
The Sub-period of Mercury in the Mahadasa of Mars indicates fear of enemies, trouble from thieves, loss of wealth, cattle, elephants and horses, association with enemies, harassment by the ruler or enmity with the sudras.
When Mercury is in a Anges, or in a Trine from Ascendant.
i) Effects, like association with pious and holy persons, performance of Ajaya Japa, charities, observance of religious rites, gain of reputation, inclination towards diplomacy, availability of sweetish preparations, acquisition of conveyances, clothes and cattle etc., conferment of authority in the Govt. entourage, success in agricultural projects etc., will be experienced in the Sub-Period of Mercury in the Period of Mars.
When Mercury is in his debilitation Sign, When Mercury is combust, or, When Mercury is in 6th house, 8th house, or 12th house.
ii) Diseases of heart, imprisonment, loss of kinsmen, distress to wife and children, destruction of wealth and cattle etc. will result.
iii) When Mercury be associated with the Lord of the Period there will be journeys to foreign lands, increase in the number of enemies, affliction with many kind of ailments, antagonism with the officials, quarrels with kinsmen etc.
When Mercury is in a Angles, or Trine from the Lord of the Period, or, When Mercury is in his exaltation Sign.
iv) Fulfillment of all ambitions, gain of wealth and grains, recognition by the officials, acquisition of a kingdom, gain of clothes and ornaments, attachment to many kind of musical instruments, attainment of the position of a Commander of an Army, discussion on Shastras and Puranas, gain of riches to wife and children and beneficence of Goddess Laxmi will be the very auspicious results.
When Mercury is in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from Mars, is associated with malefic.
v) Effects, like defamation, sinful thinking, harsh speech, danger from thieves, fire and the authority, quarrels without reason, fear of attacks by thieves and dacoits (armed robber bands) during travels, will be derived.
When Mercury is lord of 2nd houses, or 7th house.
vi) There will be a possibility of critical illness in the Sub-Period of Mercury.

Remedial measures to obtain relief from these evil effects are recitation of Vishnu Sahastrnama and giving a horse in charity.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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