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Mars Dasa and Sub-Period Part 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 1
During the Sub-period of Mars in his own Mahadasa, the native has to suffer from diseases caused by excess of bile and heat, wounds and injuries, separation from brothers.
When Mars is in a Angles, in 5th house, in 10th house, in 11th house, in 3rd house, or in 2nd house, or be associated with the Lord of Ascendant.
i) Effects, like gains of wealth by the beneficence of the officials, beneficence of Goddess Laxmi, recovery of a lost kingdom and of wealth, birth of a son, will arise in the Sub-Period of Mars in his own Period.
When Mars is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or in his own Navamsa and is endowed with strength.
ii) Fulfilment of ambitions by the beneficence of the authority and acquisition of a house, land, cow, buffalo etc. will be the effects.
When Mars is in 8th house, or 12th house, or is associated with, or receives a Aspect from malefic.
iii) Urinary troubles, wounds, danger from snakes and the Government officials will be the results.
When Mars is the Lord of 2nd house, or 7th hose.
iv) There will be mental agony and body pains.
Lord Shiva will give relief by restoring health and providing gains of wealth and happiness, When the person concerned performs Rudra Japa and gives a red-coloured bull in charity.
Effects of sub-period of Rahu in the Major Period of Mars
During the sub-period of Rahu in the Mahadasa of Mars the native will face danger from weapons, fire, thieves, enemies and rulers, injury from poison, diseases in the stomach, eyes, the head, death of the preceptor and elders, danger to one’s own life or other troubles of great magnitude.
When Rahu is in his Mooltrikona, in his exaltation Sign, in a Angles, in 11th house, 5th house, or 10th house and is associated with benefic.
i) Effects, like recognition from government, gain of house, land etc., happiness from son, extraordinary profits in business, bathing in holy rivers, like Ganges and foreign journeys, will be the auspicious effects in the Sub-Period of Rahu in the Period of Mars.
When Rahu is in 8th house, or 12th house, or receives a Aspect from, or is associated with malefic.
ii) Danger from snakes, wounds, destruction of cattle, danger from animals, diseases, due to imbalance of bile and wind, imprisonment etc. will be the results.
When Rahu is in 2nd house
iii) great danger of premature death, and
When he is in 7th house.
iv) There will be loss of wealth,
The remedial measure to be adopted to obtain relief from the above evil effects are Nag Japa, offering food to Brahmins and Mahamrutyunjaya Jpa. They will help in the prolongation of longevity.
Effects of Sub-Periods of Jupiter in the Major Period of Mars
During the sub-period of Jupiter in the Mahadasa of Mars, the native will worship the Brahmins and Gods, go to sacred places and shrines, engage himself in generous actions, be hospitable to guests and visitors at all times, be blessed with more children and friends, suffer from ear troubles or from phlegmatic complaints.
When Jupiter is in 10th house, or 5th house, in a Angles, or in 11th house, or in 2nd house, or, When Jupiter is in his exalted, or own Navamsa.
i) Effects, like good reputation and renown, honours by government, increase in wealth and grains, happiness at home, gain of property, happiness from wife and children etc. will be realized in the Sub-Period of Jupiter in the Period of Mrs.
When Jupiter is in a Angles, in a Trine, or in the 11th from the Lord of the Period Mars, or, when Jupiter is associated with the Lord of 9th house, 10th house, or 4th house, or Ascendant, or, When Jupiter is in a benefic Navamsa etc.
ii) Acquisition of a house, land, well-being, gain of property, sound health, good reputation, gains of cattle, success in business, happiness to wife and children, reverence from government, gain of wealth etc. will be beneficial effects.
When Jupiter is in 6th house, 8th house, or in 12th house, or, When Jupiter is in his debilitation Sign, or, When Jupiter is associated with, or receives a Aspect from Malefic, or, When Jupiter is otherwise weak.
iii) Danger from thieves, snakes, wrath of the officials, bilious diseases, oppression by goblins (Prot), loss of servants and co-born, will be evil effects.
When Jupiter is the Lord of 2nd house.
iv) There will be suffering from fever, or danger of premature death,

The remedial measure to be adopted to combat the above evil effects is recitation of Shiva Sahastrnama.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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