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Effects during the Major Period of Mercury Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 2

Mercury in conjunction with a debilitated planet -  great trouble, change of place, destruction to relations, ir-religiousness, mental worries.

Mercury with an exalted planet – great happiness, wealth and good education, merchandise, cattle rearing and cultivation.

Mercury with a malefic -  sinful work, loss to lands, money, wife, children, cultivation, cows and lands.

Mercury with a benefic -  great happiness, enjoyment of power, pleasure and reputation, and delight from wife and children.

Mercury aspected by a benefic -  great reputation, pleasure from learned discussions, sacred lore, attraction and elevation.

Mercury aspected by a malefic -  Loss of grains, destruction of relations, travels to foreign countries, change of own place, servile work and quarrels there.

Mercury in Kendra -  friendship with rulers, wealth, grains, children, wife, sacred sacrifices and other meritorious acts, respect of kings, reputation, sweet food, good beds, clothes, ornaments.

Mercury in the 6th, 8th or 12th -  many complicated diseases in the body by the mixture of Vata (wind), Pitha (bile) and Sleshma (phlegm), itches, jaundice, bile, danger from rulers, fires, thieves, and emaciation.

Mercury in exalted Navamsa -  gain of children, jewels and wealth, mental pleasure, sexual pleasures, hopefulness and courage and baths in sacred rivers and ponds.

Mercury in debilitated Navamsa -  earning livelihood by mean callings, dependency, service.

Note: In the commencement Mercury will give wealth and grams, in the middle, respect and gains from royal personages, and in the end hatred of his own people.

Mercury with Sun -  many kinds of mishaps, mental worry, hatred of relations and rulers, calumny and eye disease.

Mercury with Sthanabala -  reputation, possession of royal power, mental courage, great enjoyment and performance of sacrificial rites.

Mercury without Sthanabala -  destruction of place, fear for wife and children, residence in foreign territory, misery and many disgraceful acts.

Mercury with Digbala -  becoming rich by getting money from various places, happiness, friendship of foreign princes, sweet scents and flowers.

Mercury with Kalabala -  good health, peaceful life, respect from wife, children and rulers, baths in the Ganges and purification thereby.

Mercury with Nisargikabala -  success and meritorious enjoyment without any attempts, learned discussions, hatred of relations, death of mother, or maternal relations.

Mercury in retrograde motion -  wife, children and wealth, Puranas, sacrifices and charities, baths I the sea.

Mercury with Drigbala -  equanimity and love for all creatures, sexual happiness, and possessed of kingly power.

Mercury in cruel Sastiamsa -  great fear and worries from fires, thieves and authority, these will happen when Mercury is devoid of beneficial conjunctions or aspects.

Mercury in Mridwamsa etc. -  gain of lands and great happiness, sympathetic heart, love for all creatures, cultivation, enjoyment, wealth and children.

Mercury in Visheshika amsa -  great respect; from rulers, sweet scents, flowers, and clothes, meditative happiness, pleasure from philosophic discussion.

Mercury in cruel Drekkana -  fear from authorities, thieves and fires, change and loss of place, great fear.

Exalted Mercury in debilitated Navamsa -  power, wealth, reputation and happiness will suddenly disappear.

Debilitated Mercury in exalted Navamsa -  the man will have evil results in the beginning and happiness and peace afterwards.

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