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Highlights of the Periods of the Lords of Different Houses Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 2

For instance, when he speaks of the lord of the first bhava being in the second bhava, he takes that the lord of the second bhava is in the second bhava itself in combination with the lord of the first bhava whose Period effects are under consideration. He does not give the effects of the Period of the lord of a particular bhava posited in another bhava without the combination of the lord of that another bhava or with the aspect of the lord of that another bhava.

4) If the Lord of Ascendant, possessed of strength is posited in the third-bhava in conjunction with the lord of the third bhava, the Native will have a brother born in the Period of Lord of Ascendant, will have wealth through his brother, will be strong minded and resolute, will read Puranas and other religious works, will derive pleasure from musical performances, comic scenes and humorous and witty speeches and reports and will have ear ornaments in the Period of Lord of Ascendant. The Native will either enjoy all these on a moderate scale in this Period, if the Lord of Ascendant is in the sixth, eight and twelfth signs in the Navamsa Chart from the rasi occupied by the lord of the third-bhava in the Navamsa chart or may have sometimes quarrel or misunderstandings with his brothers in this Period; or all these events and good effects may deteriorate or decrease to some extent.

5) If the Lord of Ascendant is posited in the fourt bhava in conjunction with the lord of the fourth bhava, the Native will be possessed of good vehicles (conveyances), apparel, cattle, good lands and gardens, will have happiness and pleasures of being in or having new house, will have the honour of being respected by his relatives and friends, will enjoy the pleasant company of his friends, pundits, learned (savants, literary persons) and good people in the Period of Lord of Ascendant.

6) If, however the Lord of Ascendant is posited in the sixth, eight and twelfth signs in the Navamsa chart from the rasi occupied by the lord of the fourth bhava in Navamsa chart, the good effects described above will be of a moderate degree (or on a small scale) in the Period of the Lord of Ascendant, the Native will have quarrels or misunderstandings with his mother will have a fall from a vehicles (conveyance), will incur some loss from his lands and gardens, etc., and will experience some pleasures or pain alternately or conjointly in this Period.

7) If Lord of Ascendant is posited in fifth bhava in conjunction with the lord of the fifth bhava, he will, during his Period, cause to the Native king’s or dignified person’s favour, happiness of mind and much regard and respect among friends and relatives. The Native will have a Child, will be either a king himself or a minister to a king will be a devoted to religious worship and will have Gods grace and father’s affection, and blessings, will have authority over many villages and will enter Government service in this Period.

8) If however the Lord of Ascendant is posited in the Navamsa chart in the sixth, eight and twelfth signs from the rasi occupied by the lord of the fifth bhava in the Navamsa chart, the good effects described above will all be on a small scale, the Native will have displeasure of his dignified person or boss to some degree or on some occasions, will have misunderstanding with his father and sons, will have some interruption or respite in his religious worship, and will have Government displeasure, bad name in administrative affairs of the Government displeasure, bad name in administrative affairs of the Government and insult in public body or meeting. He will also be engaged in fruitless religious meditation and chanting of mantras or hymns.

9) If the lord of Ascendant is posited in the sixth bhava in combination with the lord of the sixth bhava, the Native will experience, in his Period, troubles from ulcers, wounds, sickness and debt, troubles from the Government, or from superiors by way of misunderstanding or litigation with them, from defeat and disgrace in a war or a quarrel and from incised and cut wound caused with instruments. He may have loss of limbs or bodily deformity, malady and penury in the Period of the Lord of Ascendant.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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