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Planets in Film Industry

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Like other indispensable matters in human life, recreation is having an immense value. Without proper entertainment nobody in the universe can live with peace and comfort. So, relaxation by means of recreation is essential after completion of day’s routine work.

Film artists/stars are notable in this respect. By means of stage acting, movie etc. Stars give pleasure in human mind. Observation will show that there are so many stars who always try to satisfy the spectators/audience as far as possible by themselves. From the standpoint of entertainment at a glance Venus is having a vital role. Enchantment to the audience of public paves the way in favour of film industry. Unlike other subjects film division may be divided in different matters. Before coming to this point, let us discuss about multifarious roles of the film stars Pivotal point is to be noted that facsimile is the ultimate factor. Unless and until, a director and producer can get a beautiful face and appearance, he/she can not run a good business. Ugly face can turn their business down at ease.

From the standpoint of foretelling, Astrology maintains to point out their moon and Venus must be beneficial for the film star concerned. In spite of these two planets, influence of Ravi or Sun is essential for getting popularity and respect in film affair. Mass media, communications, direction, business are of the vital points in film journalism. While, predicting the birth Rasi chart of a native (film star) second house from the Ascendant/Lagna is to be scrutinized from the degree point of view of the planets concerned located in the zodiac. Otherwise, prediction may lead to astral Moon is for emotion while Venus is for pleasure and entertainment. Sun gives dignity and respect to the actor/star. While he/she involves himself/herself in the film industry. After analyzing so many birth Rasi charts of leading and reputed film stars, it is observed that everybody is having a sound influence of benevolent planet star in second house, specifically of moon and Venus. Role of mercury is essential in film matters also. Talkative nature is dominated by the planet mercury who is very nearer to the royal planet, sun. Though mercury is a smallest planet in the solar system, role of benefic influence of it is required in case of acting. Deliberation of talks is controlled by mercury adhisakti karaka or lord of intelligence. That is assimilation or coordinating effect of Venus and mercury will make a man/woman to become a reputed actor/film star/stage artist/play back singer etc.

Role of Planets in Film Industry

Like other indispensable matters in human life, recreation is having an immense value. Without proper entertainment nobody in the universe can live with peace and comfort. So, relaxation by means of recreation is essential after completion of day’s routine work. It is to be admitted, first of all, that everything of the cosmos is dominated by malevolent and benevolent nature and effect of solar planets. Peculiar point can be noticed while having a look on different personalities in the world. It is clear to emphasise that everybody can not be inheriting similar or same qualities as the fingers of the human hand are not equal to each other. Somebody may be happy with his routine normal engagement in work. Some of them may be feeling boring while interfering in the routine job. Few of them requires entertainment by means of gossiping or mutual talks or deliberating their ideas or thought. Those persons who will be coming in the stage of moros/sadism will not be able to finish the work peacefully. Haphazard work can’t give satisfied result in the long run. So that systematic procedure should be followed in case of performance of any job only to get fruitful result. If somebody is not satisfied in his normal job, he/she can not please the customer/person in business/institution. It is noted that irritation dissatisfied another while the person is not at all got mental peace or satisfaction in his/her family. That is why, everybody should maintain a normal and gentle mode of temperament while dealing with others. Considering the aforesaid fundamental basis, relaxation is required for every human being to survive with good behaviour and normal course of life.

Film artists/stars are really notable in this respect. By means of stage acting, movie etc. star give pleasure in human mind. Observation will show that there are so many star who always try to satisfy the spectators/audience as far as possible by themselves. From the standpoint of entertainment at a glance clowns are having a vital role. Enchantment to the audience or public paves the way in favour of film industry. Unlike other subjects film division may be divided into different matters. Before coming to this point, let us discuss about multifarious roles of the film stars. Pivotal point is to be noted that facsimile is the ultimate factor. Unless and until, a director and producer can get a beautiful face and appearance, he/she can not run a good business. Ugly face can turn their business down at ease.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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