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Planets and Work Part 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 1

The term “vocation” is often used by astrologers to include profession, occupation, etc. However, there are some fine differences to be noted.

If one is a lawyer, he has a profession. If he is a farmer, he has an occupation. If he is a farmer, he has an occupation. If he is a preacher or a monk, he has a vocation. If he makes cushions for sale in his spare time, in addition to his regular work, he has an avocation. A “job” is usually of a clerical or manual character and often temporary. A “career” is a particular type of work pursued assiduously over the years, may be a profession or occupation, and is considered as one’s life work.

During the middle ages, by the 12th century, four classes were recognized: (1) Clergy, (2) Soldiers-Hereditary nobles who felt it was their business to fight and govern, (3) Townsmen-Those engaged in trade and industry, and (4) Peasants-Serfs and others. Thus e see a resemblance to the four Hindu castes: (1) Kshtriyas-Soldiers, executives, leaders, administrative and civic officers, (3) Vaisyas-merchants, ranchmen, gentlemen farmers, skilled workers, and (4) Sudras-small farmers, barbers, slaves and servants.

In early America, there were only three professions-law, theology and medicine. Today we have engineering, advertising, pharmacy, and many others. In this age of specialization, one is seldom simply a lawyer: he is a patent lawyer, criminal lawyer, civil lawyer, anti-trust lawyer, etc.

The Industrial Revolution, which began in England in the 18th century and spread to America and elsewhere, marked the transition from hand labour to machine production. The factory system, with its piecework and different types of jobs, was inaugurated. Today there are hundreds of job titles-key punch operator, garbage collector, chacker, photographer, lathe operator, dishwasher, interior decorator, dietitian, chauffeur, statistician, labour organizer, valet, clothes model, dog groom systems analyst, public relations consultant, charwoman etc.

Some persons have several different kinds of jobs in a lifetime. Some hold two jobs-as, working in an office or factory during the day and driving a taxicab at night, some inherit wealth and never work, and princes may become kings.

Whether we will always have the clergy, the soldiers, merchants, factory workers and small farmers remains to be seen. We are told that in the computerize world of tomorrow, job titles will change drastically. Manual labourers, stenographers and many others will not be needed. The ability to understand and use complex mathematical data, will be as important as the ability to read and write. Prominent professions will include: computer, technologist, ecologist, oceanographer, sociologist, gynecologist, nuclear physicist, and town planner. With little to do, people may require more entertainment, and so we may need more actors, musicians, lecturers, comedians and clowns to relieve the monotony.

The psychologists have their aptitude tests, but they are not very reliable. As Dr. Robert E. Rottenberg says in one of his books, without an understanding of the personality and a sure knowledge of the intelligence, aptitude tests cannot tell one what career to follow.

Strange as it may seem to those who have never studied astrology, the planets rule over different professions, occupations, etc. the Sun rules over politics, power and authority, and bankers; the Moon over public relations and advertising, taverns, sailors, water and dairy products; Mercury over stenographers, train conductors, airplane stewardesses, and astrologers (together with Uranus); Venus over the arts, hotels and motels; Mars over soldiers, iron and steel workers, brothels, mathematicians; Jupiter over the clergy, judges, and philanthropy; Saturn over farmers, democratic statesmen, servants, and undertakers (together with Pluto); Rahu over druggists (together with Neptune); and Ketu over psychic mediums and spiritualists preachers (together with Neptune).

The 10th house of Karma is supposed to represent one’s profession of occupation or vocation. It is also said that the lord of the sign owning the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th house, gives a clue to one’s profession or life work, but again this cannot be wholly relief upon. The writer believes that the strongest planet in a Kendra from the Ascendant, Moon or Sun must first be considered. Planets in the 10th or aspecting the 10th are very important. And the position of the 2nd and 11th lords (money and gains) gives the final clue, since one’s income is invariably tied to one’s work.

A planet in a Kendra can much more easily and effectively play its role. Therefore, we first look for a planet in a Kendra. If it is exalted in the Rasi or Navamsa, or in its own or a friendly sign, and is strong Vargawise, we must consider that planet as probably affecting the occupation or profession. If it is in the 10th or aspecting the 10th the indications are even clearer.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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