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Partnerships for a Businessman Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 2

The Shukra (Venus) is strong if it occupies its own house anywhere in the horoscope. The Shukra (Venus) is stronger if it occupies its own house which happens tobe the 2nd or the 7th house from the Lagna or the Chandra (Moon). The Shukra (Venus) is considered auspicious and powerful if it occupies its own house which is either one of the Kendras or one of the Trines. The gain in strength is very considerable if the Shukra (Venus) rules a Kendra and a Trine and at the same time occupies one of them. The Shukra (Venus) is deemed strong if it is in its exaltation anywhere in the horoscope. The Shukra (Venus) is very strong if it is in its exaltation in a Kendra or in a Trine. It gets fortified if it is fully aspected by its dispositor. A Benefic by its full aspect upgrades the Venus. The gain in strength by the Shukra (Venus) is considerable if the Benefic aspecting the Shukra (Venus) fully is in its own house or if it is in its sign of exaltation. The gain in strength by the Shukra (Venus) rules one of the Trines besides being in its own house or in its sign of exaltation. The Shukra (Venus) is also strengthened if it is fully aspected by a Malefic and the Malefic in question is in its own house or in its sign of exaltation. The gain of strength by Shukra (VenusA) is very sizeable and can be depended upon if the Malefic fully aspecting the Shukra (Venus) rules one of the Trines besides being in its own house or in its sign of exaltation. The Shukra (Venus) becomes powerful if it receives a full aspect from a Benefic or a Malefic which rules one of the Kendras or one of the Trines.

The Shukra (Venus) is weak if it is in its sign of debilitation or if it occupies the house of its enemy. It is weaker if while in its sign of debilitation or in the house of its enemy it rules the 6th an the 8th houses. The debilitation stands cancelled if the Shukra (Venus) while in its sign of debilitation receives a full aspect of its dispositor; the Shukra (Venus) becomes strong on the contrary.

The Shukra (Venus) gets pulled down if it is fully aspected by a Malefic which is not strong. The damage to the Shukra is much more if the aspecting Malefic is weak by sign and house; the damage is considerable if the aspecting Malefic besides being weak by sign and house rules the 6th, 8th and/or the 12th house. The full aspect even of a Benefic which is not strong fails to do much good. The Shukra (Venus) definitely gets pulled down by the full aspect of a Benefic which is weak by sign and house and the damage is more if the aspecting Benefic besides being weak by sign and house rules an inauspicious house. The Shukra (Venus) is weak if it is surrounded by Malefics on both sides; it is weaker if the surrounding Malefics arer weak and badly placed in the horoscope.

The Shukra (Venus) spoils a Kendra or a Trine by its occupation thereof if it at the same time rules the 6th or the 8th house. Also it spoils a Kendra or a Trine if it rules any one of them and occupies the 6th or the 8th house.

We have studied and examined both the Shukra (Venus) and the 7th houses from the Lagna and the Chandra (Moon). We proceed to assess and determine the usefulness and advisability of partnership in specific cases. If both the 7th houses and the Shukra (Venus) are strong in a horoscope which represents a person designed for a business career and an independent occupation we may safely infer that the business in partnership will be beneficial to the person concerned. It is not only beneficial but it is a must for the person concerned. He will get into business through partnership; with the help of partner’s money and assets he will make money and he will taste and enjoy plenty and prosperity. Again with the help of partner’s money and assets he will rise in life. In other words partnership will be chiefly and mainly instrumental in making his career and life.

If both the 7th house and the Shukra (Venus) are weak in a horoscope which represents a person who is designed for a business career or an independent occupation partnership will be extremely prejudicial to the interests of the person concerned. He should do well to avoid partnerships. If the advice is not sought and heeded to and the partners appear on the scene it will prove to be a standing invitation to difficulties and troubles on all fronts and problems will be everywhere. There will be obstructions in the progress of the occupation; the expansion may seem impossible and the chances of frauds, deceptions and financial losses will be very much there.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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