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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Notable Herbs in Human Welfare, Chapter XV, Part – 19

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Caster Oil

The oil part is non-toxic. It is demulcent, laxative, and purgative.

The caster oil is best administered with milk or fruit juice. When take internally, it treats constipation, externally; a caster oil fermentation is rubbed over the liver and other areas of the abdomen. A thick towel that has been rung out in ginger tea is then applied over the entire abdomen and a heating pad or hot water bottle is placed over the liver, this will help draw toxins into and through the liver. It is also used in ointments as a smoothing agent. Caster oil is used in making contraceptive jellies and creams. It may be used for facilitating child birth. A gel prepared from castor oil is useful in dermatitis and is a good protective in occupational eczemas and dermatitis.

Sesame oil / Blackwood tree

The are normally big trees, when thin branches are broken the wood is white, after being exposed to air, it becomes yellow.

It is used for dryness of the bowel, for which a table spoon of the oil is taken with honey, in the evening is quite effective. It is commonly used as a medium for therapeutic oils in which other herbs are prepared.

Olive Oil

It is slightly yellow or green colour, used in many preparations for its oil smoothing property. It makes the skin soft and clean. It used to make soaps and glycerine.

One or two table spoonfuls taken in the evening are an efficient demulcent. This is excellent to apply externally to counteract abrasions and dryness. The leaves are antispasmodic, vasodilating and astringent and they lower blood pressure. It is applied on burn parts after mixing with lime for treatment.

Brahmi / Manduka parni

The other names are Hydrocotyle asiatica, Umbellifera, Bacopa monniera, Scrophulariaceae.
The part used are root and plant. It is a brain tonic, sedative, antispasmodic, alternative, diuretic, astringent.

It is diuretic, aperients and tonic, given in stoppages of urine with costiveness, also in nervous debility etc. the plant is applied hot to the chest in bronchitis and cough in children.

The drug Brahmi consist of whole plant. It is valued in medicine as a tonic for nerves and is prescribed in nervous disorders, mental diseases, constipation, and as a diuretic i.e. to promote urination.

Brahmi is perhaps the most important nervine herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. It revitalizes the brain cells, removing toxics and blockings within the nervous system, while at the same time having a nurturing effect. It improves memory and aids in concentration. A small amount of the fresh leaves are eaten daily for rejuvenating the mind. It calms the heart and helps guard against heart attacks.

Brahmi helps us give up bad habits and addictions of all types. It aids in recovery from alcoholism or drug abuse, and also helps us in reducing sugar intake. It is a nervine and antispasmodic agent. It cleans the blood, improves the immune system, allays excess sexual desire, and is excellent for venereal diseases, including Aids. It cleanses the kidneys, while calming and soothing the liver.

Brahmi is one of the best herbs for balancing and rejuvenating Pitta, while a the same time strongly reducing Kapha. A cup of Brahmi tea taken with honey before meditation is a great aid in the practice.
There is controversy about the identity of Brahmi and Gotu Kola. The two herbs are closely related botanically and possess: similar properties (though Gotu Kola is stronger diuretic and a weaker nervine).


The steps rocks of the Himalayan region, warmed by ages of bright sunshine and mated with successive generations of grass, moss and wildflower, exude a dark sticky substance rich with medicinal powers. This substance was discovered by the ancient Rishis thousands of years ago and adopted by Ayurveda for its restorative properties. They named it Shilajatu or Shilajit.

`There is hardly any curable disease which cannot be controlled or cured with the aid of Shilajit.’

Charaka, 1st Century AD

Shilajit possesses great curative powers and is considered capable of treating many diseases, particularly those of the aging process. It is an important rejuvenative and tonic particularly for Kapha, Vata and the kidneys, as in the case of people who have long suffered from diabetes and asthma. It can be taken for general health maintenance and is good for those who do much mental work or practice yoga.

Shilajit is naturally high in iron and other valuable minerals making it very useful for all wasting, degenerative diseases, especially diabetes, chronic urinary tract problems, impotence and infertility. It prompts strong bones and therefore is good for the healing of fractures, osteoarthritis and spondylosis. It is famous for its anti-diabetic properties, reducing blood sugar and countering diabetes in the early stages.

The ancient Ayurvedic physician used Shilajit to treat, among other things, chronic bronchitis, digestive trouble, renal and bladder problems, nervous diseases, diabetes, anaemia and fractured bones. They used it for increased vigour and vitality, as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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