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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Colour Therapy, Chapter XI, Part – 8

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Two-Colour Combinations:

Red-violet and yellow. Yellow and blue. Blue and green.

Hospitals would find it beneficial from the psychological angle to use colour in handling their patients. Use yellow to boost a patient’s spirits. Use blue or a mild green if a patient is nervous. Insane asylums would do well to adhere to neutrals or pastels to prevent excitability or nervous tension.

For a sick-room in a home or hospital It is recommend to use the following colour combinations:

1. An invalid, or one progressing slowly:

a. Pale turquoise walls.

Pale green walsl with a touch of yellow in them. These colours are excellent for relaxation and rest. They incite peace of mind, and offer protection to the patient from adverse thoughts.

b. Light blue ceiling, pale yellow walls, touches of green and blue in accessories.

2. Maternity room or convalescent;

a. Soft apricot, pink, or peach, and yellow. This is mildly alive or active. The patient is recovering rapidly and will not remain for any length of time.

b. Blue ceiling, yellow walls. This is moderately stimulating.

3. Halls, offices, and waiting rooms:

a. Soft beige or orange-peach.

These colours are animating since they are warm and bright in hue and thus promote cheer and comfort.

4. Operating rooms:

a. Deep turquoise walls and accessories, white ceiling.

Blue rests the eyes from the glare of bright lights necessary for operations.

b. Neurotics: Red rooms are occasionally Used to pull neurotics out of the depths of despair.

A purple room may promote hysteria.

For concentration:

a. Pink walls with blue and pale green accessories.

b. Bright illumination is cheerful and inspires action.

Dim illumination is sober and restful.

Capes, Restaurants, and Hotels

Rich rose beige, cinnamon brown, or tang red walls are excellent for a café or tea-room. All shades of pink, peach, red-orange, yellow, and pale greens are highly pleasing and produce sastisfaction.
Dinner menus should be displayed on cream paper.

Maroon is sometimes used to whet the appetite.

Desserts should be printed on a weak pink or peach paper.

Wines are most satisfactory on pale blue or violet paper.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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