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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Gems, Chapter VIII, Part – 25

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Minor Common Ailments And Gems


Part 1

A condition with in the body where in an accumulation of acids occurs, likely to appear when a person eats acidic food with regularity. It may be caused by many ailments. Most often, it will create indigestion, heartburn, tenseness, nervousness and an inability to relax. It is a condition of over-acidity.
Gem Prescription:- Emerald in 5 Rattis on middle finger and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis on anamika of either hand.


Lymphatic tissue having the appearance of a gland. The area may become infected, halt or partially block passage or air or impair hearing, especially in young children. Enlargement of the lymphoid tissue in the throat and back of the nose is known as adenoids. It is purely a Mars disease.
Gem Prescription:- Red coral in 5 rattis on anamika, and yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis on tarjani.

It means a partial or total loss of memory occurring before an accident, or post accidental, or by sudden physical injury and forgetful-ness of past events, or inability to remember the appearance of the objects, or to have knowledge of the printed words.
Gem Prescription:- Red coral in 5 rattis and Emerald in 6 Vattis.


There is sharp reduction in the number of red corpuscles or of red colour in the blood, circulating in the circulatory system is known as anaemia.
Gem Prescription:- Red coral 7 ½ Rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis. Red cloth or Red thread may be used around Right hand in place of Red one.


The sudden rupture of a blood vessel in the brain with paralysis and unconsciousness is commonly known as apoplexy or stroke. It is also known as cerebral haemorrhage or cerebrovascular accident.
Gem Prescription:- Red coral 7 ½ rattis and yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis.


It is the swelling and inflammation of the useless worm-shaped appendix a accessory part attached to a main structure. The basic treatment for appendicitis is surgery i.e. removal of the diseased appendix.
Gem Prescription:- Red coral 7 ½ rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 Rattis.


It is nothing but wasting away or shriveling of some part of the body or cell. The may be applied to many conditions, such as muscle atrophy, nerve atrophy or ovary atrophy, which takes place at menopause. The disease may attack in any part of the body.
Gem Prescription:- Blue sapphire in 4 rattis on kanistha. Those who who are frightened to use Nila, they can use Red Coral in 7 ½ rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis. This is called antipathetic treatment.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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