For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Today's Astral Energy

June, 13, 2013 - There will be all round pressure. I feel  that family - finance - education, love and business and also communications / trading - research which practically are all areas of life, there will be pressure. MOST TODAY WOULD BE PONDERING AT A PROBLEM SERIOUSLY ON ONE ASPECT OR THE OTHER. There will be fear, a feeling of uncertainty & pain - that is what i can see. You will have to look at TRANSFORMATION but most will adopt the THOUGHT of how to take short cuts to achieve / resolve. It is for you to decide but YES, all would be faced with some issue in the area mentioned that WILL make YOU TO ACT - THINK.  A tough DAY. Wishing everyone the mindset that will make you think positively despite fear, uncertainty & the consequences. Warmly

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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