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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Yantras, Chapter IV, Part – 17

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Vastu Yantra

Now a days people are very much concerned with the Vastu of their houses, offices, business establishments etc. Even while consecrating a tank, temple, garden, a bridge, a tree or an idol, vastu God is worshipped. To rectify the Vastu Doshas Vastu Shastris recommends the physical changes in the building structure which are especially important because these changes most directly effect the overall energy situation. Secondly, the vastu shastris uses mirrors, the different elements, precious stones, herbs, and other means in order to influence the quality of the energies. This also yields a sustaining effect and a noticeable improvement of the well being of the people living in the building.

However, another deep level of Vastu is the karmic plane, focusing on the combination and interaction of planetary influences inside the house. Such subtle means of correction are effective because Vastu qualities mainly effect the subtle plane, and therefore one can also find counteractive means on this plane. Yantras have been used in Vastu for thousands of years in order to balance defects on the energetic and karmic plane. To worship the vastu devta one should form the Vastu Mandela. Vastu Yantra is also worshipped when there is dread of plague or a disease, fear of demons, of any evil destroying children, fear of accidents, voracious animals.

Dhyana Mantra for Vastu Devta
Chaturbhujam mahakayam jatamanditamastakam|
Trilochanan karalsyam harakundalasobhitam||
Lambodaram dirghakarnam lo asam pitavasasam|
Gadatrisulaparasukhatvangam dadhatam karaih||
Asicharmmadharairviraih kapilasyadibhirvrtam|
Satrunamantakam saksadudyadadityasannibham||
Dhyayeddevam vastupatim kurmmdpadmasanasthitam||

The Vastu Mantra:
Ksram Ksrim Ksram Ksraim Ksraum Ksrrumh||

Vastu Gayatri
Om vastu purushayee vidhmahe bhumiputraaye dhimahi tanno vastu parchodayat||

If a person performs Homa with sesame seed, clarified butter and pudding all his fears are pacified. When Vastudevta is worshipped, nine planets, ten guardians deities of the quarters, Brahama, Vishnu, Rudra, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati, Ganesha as well all god and goddess are also worshipped.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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