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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Yantras, Chapter IV, Part – 13

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Mahamritunjaye Yantra
Lord Mahamritunjayae Shankar is the winner of death. On worshipping Mahamritunjaye Shankar one can escape from miseries and troubles of this materialistic world as well as the problems related to inner soul. He checks our troubles, tensions, stress as well as our ego. Lord Mahamritunjaye is the doctor of soul and sentiments. This Yantra is used to free the fear of death, grave dangers, and fatal diseases and makes one courageous and healthy. It bestows the person with wealth, health and happiness, good fortune and fame. Mahamritunjaye yantra dispels all sort of fears, influence of evil planets, fear of ghosts, accidental death and disease etc. It particularly relives one from all dreadful diseases. It is carved on copper plate or gold plate or it can also be written on Bhojpatra and energized with mantras. The person who perform pooja of Mahamritunjaye yantra, remains in good health and free from all ailments.

This Mantra for recital is:

Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuvah Svah Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pustivardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrtyormuksiya Mamrtat Bhurbhuvah Svah Jum Sah Haum Om||

The sages of this Mantra are Vamadeva, Kahola and Vashisth. The metres of this mantra are Panikti, Gayatri and Anustup. The deities are Sadasiva, Mahamritunjaye and Rudra. Hrim is the Shakti and Srim is Bija. The application of this Mantra is for the realization of desired objects.

Dhyana Verse
Hastambhej yugasth kumbhyuguladudgrathya toye shire sinchantam karyoryugan dadhtam swanke sakumbho karoo|
Akshsardmrighastmmbuj jagtam mugrhasth chander sarvatpi yushtontanu bhajee sagirijam mritunjayeem triyambkam||

Thus after realizing the yantra following desires could be full filled:-
1. To wipe off all his ailments and enemies, rejoicing with prosperity, sons and grandsons and long life, the devotee shall perform Homa on the day of the birth star, or on its tenth day or nineteenth day with four inch long twigs of Sudhavalli.

2. For achievement of wealth, homa with the twigs of Bilva fruit is conducive.

3. Bar twigs are used for the acquisition of wealth.

4. Homa with Khair twigs for brilliance.

5. Homa with gingelly (Jinjili) seeds for destructive of impiety.

6. Mustard causes destruction of enemies.

7. Homa with curd removes the sins incited by others and premature death as well as bestows victory in arguments.

In all these cases the number of homa is fixed at ten thousand.

9. By performing Homa with groups of three of durva grass blades for hundred and eight times one can achieve the removal of all ailments.

10. Homa performed on the birthdays with milk puddings and sweets wealth, health and renown increase:

11. Homa with the twigs of guduci or mollsiri on the birth star, its tenth star or nineteenth star wards off primitive death and ailments.

12. For preventing the possibility of unnatural death the devotee shall perform homa with durva grass blades everyday.

13. For eradicating fevers the homa is to be performed with the twigs of latjira as well as ready-cooked food.

14. For the purpose of getting everything the homa recommended is that of giloy twigs soaked in milk. The homa should be continued for a month.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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