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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit: Transit of Saturn, Chapter IX, Part - 6

Dr. Shanker Adawal

9.3.3 Second Return/ Cycle

Part 1

i) During transit in house with natal Saturn, there may be bodily comfort , easy going life, progress in business/ career and friendship with VIPs. Income, name and fame of the native may increase. There may be enmity with siblings and division of ancestral property among them. He may suffer headache or bilious diseases. If Markesh dasha is operating simultaneously, there may be danger to life of the native or his siblings.

ii) During 2nd house from natal Saturn, there may be comforts of high standard and happy addition to family. But the native or his spouse may fall sick and there may be heavy expenditure & financial constraints as well. There are chances of eye troubles and one may face wrath of the elders.

iii) During transit in 3rd house, there may be increase in income, supply of essentials, provisions & comforts are enjoyed to the maximum. There may be progress in higher/ specialized education, name & fame. The native enjoys good health and cordial relations with neighbours, colleagues & relatives. He has confidence & enthusiasm to do various activities and may acquire immovable property. His siblings may also prosper. However the income to and from mother may fall. The native may suffer from diseases of ear.

iv) When Saturn transits 4th house from its natal position, there may be gain of money, comforts at home & outside and birth of a female child. There may be quarrels between paternal relations for property and some senior paternal relation may pass away. The native may suffer due to enmity, strained relations & litigations. If Sun or Moon are connected with this house by conjunction/ aspect, native may have serious heart problem and instability in profession/ business causing mental agony.

v) During transit in 5th house, there may be sickness to self and danger/ bad time to spouse or his relatives. The native may be indecisive or confused and afraid of any new venture. He may enter into arguments & litigations with colleagues & customers and suffer financial losses in speculations/ investments also. The education of children may also suffer.

vi) During transit in 6th house, there may be danger to the life of the father. However transit through 6th house from natal Moon is very auspicious and bring all types of prosperity if moving alone without any affliction.

vii) While Saturn transits 7th house from its natal position, there may be friendship and help from VIPs. But this indicates moderate future/ comforts and bad times to children or worries about them. He may face domestic problems including perpetual bad health of spouse. The indecisiveness and delay in taking decisions may cause loss of money, downfall. Mental agony and humiliation.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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