For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit: Basic Rules of Transit, Chapter II, Part - 7

Dr. Shanker Adawal

2.7 Use of Lagna

2.7.1 In Vedic astrology, transit is normally seen with reference to Moon sign lagna. Although Moon sign lagna holds the prime place, the classics have given permission to study the effects of transit from other available lagnas, like Ascendant, Sun sign, dasha lord sign or the natal planet itself etc. These consideration may arise when the Moon sign lagna may not meet the entire requirement or to seek an alternate opinion. For example let us consider the case of twins or of two natives born couple of hours apart on the same day. They may have the same Moon sign and positioning of planets in different signs. We know from our experience that the transit results in the two cases will be different because the ascendants may change and with this the houses and the lordship of the planets would also change. Some of the lagnas of higher divisional charts may also change. During a day, all the 12 ascendants will rise on the eastern horizon in a cyclic manner, at an average interval of two hours. Such situations would need use of alternate lagnas.

2.7.2 Always remember, the transit is a supplementary chart to be studied invariably along with the natal chart. The transit by itself cannot manufacture results, it only delivers what has been promised in the natal chart at a time decided by the dasha system. The great classic, Mansagiri, gives a telling simile pertaining to the good & bad results as a tree, whose seed is Moon, the fruit is the ascendant, and the divisional charts are the tastes.

2.8 Other Natal References

2.8.1 We can analyze transits with respect to lagna- the ascendant, Moon lagna, Sun lagna and Paaka lagna (sign where Jupiter is posited). Lagna is the hub of vitality and one’s personality in a chart. Using the Ashtakavarga tablets, we can decipher whether the transits of a planet in a house from lagna is favourable or not. We can see which house a planet is transiting in, with respect to natal lagna, and expect the planet to influence the matters of that house. The influence exerted by a transit planet on the house occupied by it depends on its inherent nature and its significations in the natal chart. For example, Jupiter transiting in Taurus may give marriage to someone born in Scorpio lagna (if marriage is otherwise also seen), because Taurus is the 7th house from Scorpio. Saturn transiting in Aries may give relationship problems or marital problems for someone born in Libra lagna, because Aries is the 7th house from Libra.

2.8.2 We can also look at the aspects cast by transiting planets. Suppose Jupiter is transiting in Virgo and someone has lagna in Scorpio. Jupiter aspects Taurus, the 7th house from Scorpio, when he is in Virgo. So Jupiter can give marriage during his Virgo transit also. We can look at the aspects cast by transiting planets on the signs containing the natal houses and the natal planets. Suppose someone has lagna in Scorpio and Venus in Pisces in natal chart. Then the 7th house is in Taurus and Venus, the significator of marriage, is in Pisces. Jupiter transiting in Virgo aspects both Taurus and Pisces and hence he may give marriage.

2.8.3 Thus we should look at the signs occupied and aspected by planets in their transit and find out which houses and planets occupy those signs in the natal chart. Based on that, we should guess the results given by the planets. A planet occupying or aspecting a sign in transit influences the matters signified by the houses and planets stationed in that sign in the natal chart. The exact nature of the influence exerted by a planet depends on its inherent nature and the matters it stands for in the natal chart. For example, if the 5th lord in the natal chart is occupying the 8th house from natal lagna in transit, some troubles related to children may be expected. If Mars is the 8th lord in the natal chart and aspects, in transit, the signs occupied by Venus and 7th lord in the natal chart, then some disturbances in marital life may be expected.

2.8.4 A malefic planet transiting in Janma Rasi (Moon sign) may give mental worries and a malefic planet transiting in natal lagna may affect the vitality of the native and create obstacles in his efforts. On the other hand, Paaka lagna explicitly stands for the physical self and a malefic planet transiting in Paaka lagna may give bodily complaints. Similarly planets occupying or aspecting Arudha-padas in transit may give relevant results. For example, Saturn’s transit in A10 can be bad for career and Jupiter’s transit in A9 is good for fortune and so on.

2.8.5 Sahams are useful in transit analysis also. Sahams are the significant points in the zodiac. For example, when the 7th lord or Venus transits close to Vivaha-saham, one may get married. When the 6th lord or 8th lord or Mars or Rahu transits close to kali saham, one may have an accident.


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