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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: Basic Considerations, Chapter IX, Part - 4

Dr. Shanker Adawal


8. The Vedic astrology makes use of nine planets/ Grahas- The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu, for all purposes of a native’s life. Out of these only middle five are real planets, The Sun is a star and Moon a satellite of earth and both are treated as luminaries. Rahu & Ketu are shadowy planets having no material existence, but only two sensitive points of intersection of orbits of the Moon and the earth. However in Vedic astrology all nine are treated as planets. It is these nine planets, moving in the 12 signs of the zodiac, equivalent to 12 houses in a horoscope, that determine all the events, good or bad, occurring in a native’s life. The eight directions are ruled by the planets as follows: East-Sun; SE- Venus; South-Mars; SW- Rahu; West- Saturn; NW- Moon; North- Mercury; NE- Jupiter.

9. A planet exercise its influence as per its lordship and strength. Rahu & Ketu do not own any sign/ house. The Sun & Moon have lordship over one sign/ house each, the rest own two signs/ houses each. The planets are subservient to the sign rising in the lagna. Different planets behave differently for different lagnas, making a lagna functionally benefic or malefic. In Parashari system, Lords of the year, month and day are simple. Lord of Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, the first day of the Vedic year is lord of the year and is strong for the whole year. Lord of Shukla Pratipada of each month gains importance and strength for the full month. Lord of each weekday is important and strong during the concerned day. However in annual horoscopy, the system of calculating lord of the year or of the month is typically different and these lords exercises much more power & influences as will be brought in subsequent chapters.

10. There are various means to assess the strength of a planet. A planet is strong when in its sign of exaltation or Mooltrikone, and weak in its sign of debilitation or detrimental sign. Any planet is strong when closure to the cusp of the house and weak when closure to Sandhi/ boundary of the houses. Planets when too near the Sun lose their vitality and are said to be combust. Also during their cyclic movement, when seen from the earth, sometimes the planets appear to be moving in a backward direction; such planets are called retrograde planets. The Sun & Moon are never retrograde, while Rahu & Ketu are always retrograde. Both combust as well as retrograde planets are considered weak and harmful in Parashari as well as in Tajika. In Parashari, the strength of a planet is assessed as per Shadbala or Dwadas-vargiya Bala; while in Tajika, the strength of a planet is calculated as per Harsha Balaor Panch-vargiya Bala. (the different Balas have been explained in the chapter on Tajika Shastra).

11. Significator/ Karaka: In Tajika, be it horary or Annual horoscopy, a planet becomes distinguished and influence persons or events as a significator/ Karaka. The significator is a planet which is held to signify a person, an object, or an event as the case may be. It is of utmost importance that the significator is well placed, well aspected and strong. If the significator is afflicted, its positive indications turn into negative ones. The house wise delineations of these significators will be dealt separately in a subsequent chapter. However an illustrative list of combination of events with houses & Karakas are given in the chapter of “Salient Features”.

Shanker Adawal
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