For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Today's Astral Energy

The stars for the next three days 17/12- & 18/12 indicates _-_You must deal practically and with some element of secretiveness to handle issues with your JOB especially if you are trying to balance issues. Do not plan OUT OF PROPORTION issues with regard to finance. Also in LOVE / RELATIONSHIP please be conservative. From 18th you must work with FOCUS ( BETTER YOUR ACTS ) and that will pay in your JOB. Also consolidate your position with AUTHORITY .Good for matters with property and land. 18th is a good day for MEDITATION / LINK TO HIGHER LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND LOOK AT OPPORTUNITIES IN YOUR FRONT. warmly

THOUGHT - Please do not think of a problem repeatedly - if you DO THAT you are like a monkey who SCRATCHES a CUT, so much that it makes it into a WOUND and even DIES because of that . Take Care

Shanker Adawal

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