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A Guide to Palmistry: Fingers and Finger Tips, Chapter III, Part – 3

Dr. Shanker Adawal

The Finger of Mercury

A long finger of Mercury should reach above the tine separating the first two phalanges of the finger of Sun. It indicates influence, activity coupled with brilliance and sufficient knowledge of human nature.

A short clumsy or crooked finger of Mercury is often gifted to robbers, swindlers and pickpockets.

The tips of the fingers must, individually, be noted, and spatulate, square, conic or pointed qualities applied to the finger and it’s Mount. Notice also whether any finger appears to stand more erect than the others, with one or more of the other fingers leaning towards it-this erect finger will be the strongest, as every finger leaning towards another gives some of its strength to the finger to which it leans. Fingers, to be well balanced, should be set evenly on the palm, as, if low set, the strength of its Mount is reduced, while a high set finger increases the strength of its Mount.

You must also note whether the fingers are close together (Fig. 5) at their base, or if there is a space between them. If the space between the thumb and the side of the hand is very wide, it will indicate one who is generous, a lover of freedom and independence, and who chafes under restraint. The fingers of Jupiter and Saturn separating widely show a carelessness of conventionalism: a person who is not bound down by the views of others but who will form his or her own opinions. The fingers of Saturn and Sun being widely separated show one careless as to the future and with a trend to extravagance and not stiff in manner. The fingers of Sun and Mercury widely separated indicate independence in action, one who will do as he or she wishes, regardless of what others may think.

When you find all the fingers widely separated (Fig. 6), you may expect free thought, Bohemianism, and freedom of action, someone easy to get acquainted with and utterly straight and bent indifferent to the opinions expressed by others. If all the fingers lie bunched together, you will have an individual difficult to get acquainted with, very stiff, a slave to formality, stingy and self-centered, somewhat suspicious.


The respective phalanges, or sections of the fingers, are counted first, second or third from the tips of the fingers downwards towards the palm. Here in these phalanges are the Three Worlds of Palmistry- the mental, abstract or material, and the animal propensities; they sustain the qualities of the Mount, and show whether they will be used in the mental, practical, or physical worlds.

The first (nail) phalanx, if longest, shows that the mental will rule. The second, when longest and largest, tells us that the business side will predominate in the subject. If the third is strongest, it indicates the predominance of the material qualities, and that coarseness or brutishness may be expected-the subject is largely absorbed in the physical side of his or her life.

The longer the first phalanx the more closely will mental matters absorb the attention. With the second phalanx long and thick, the moneymaking side will lead; while if the third phalanx is very long and thick, a great love of eating and drinking, luxury and pleasure will predominate.

If, however, the third phalanx, instead of being thick is long, narrow and waist like in shape, then the subject only cares for money for what it will buy. He may have an enquiring turn of mind; this is shown by the chinks between the fingers. If the fingers are very long and the chinks very wide he will pry into everyone’s affairs from sheer curiosity.


In the study of the fingers, the shape of the tips must be considered as to their bearing and effect on the qualities of the respective fingers, in order to dissect thoroughly the character of the subject.

To speak of types of Hands is not only misleading, but is distinctly erroneous, as you will seldom find a hand containing all the ringers of the same class of character.

Hence finger tips are classed as spatulate, i.e., broad and flat-looking, square, conic or rounded, or pointed, according as they appeal to the eye.

The Spatulate tip (Fig. 7), is the broadest; its possessor always seeks the practical and commonsense side of things, and is ever on the go, inspiring others with enthusiasm and activity. He is fond of sports, manual exercises, animals, and makes an excellent emigrant. He is strong lover and is constant and true.

The Spatulate tip also shows great originality. This man does not follow any well-ordered system or established rules, but likes to find out new ways of doing things, and he invents new machines. Independent, he goes his own way through life, caring little what others may say of him. He will not only discover, but build up and develop new lands. Everywhere he is a power in activity, originality and enterprise.

The Square tip (Fig. 8), is one which is distinctly square at the ends of the fingers, and indicates order, system, arrangement and regularity in everything. Disorder is to them an abomination, whether in the home, shop or office. They think and act by rule, and love punctuality in all. They are polite, strict observers of social customs, and resent any breach of accustomed forms. It is the useful tip, and marks the good book-keeper, clerk, merchant, librarian, secretary, mathematician and scientist. These tips, as in the case of the Spatulate, add their qualities to each individual finger and Mount. In addition to the foregoing, the Square tips are skilful in all games where precision and accuracy are an essential; hence they are often goods shots, as well as being careful in dress, and methodical in habits.

The Conic tip (Fig. 9), in shape forms a distinct cone at the end of the fingers, and it has many degrees of development. When the cone is not pronounced, there will be less of the Conic qualities, and it will partake of the Square or Spatulate. The Conic tip reveals a nature artistic, impulsive, intuitive, quick and impressionable, one to whom the beautiful and harmonious strongly appeal. To these tips the precision, regularity and punctuality of the Square tip is a nuisance and a restraint.

Conic tips possess talent, quickness of mind, and great intuitiveness-this natural intuition, though one of their greatest gifts, is also an element of danger, as they are often led by it against the dictates of reasons. They are emotional and sympathetic, easily influenced, and as a result, they are not constant in their love affairs.

Pointed tips (Fig. 10), once seen, can never be mistaken for others, as their long, narrow and excessively pointed build cannot be forgotten. There is nothing of a practical nature in these pointed tips; all is inspirational and idealistic, and their possessors live in dreamland. To them the beautiful is everything. They may be seen in all classes of society, but wherever found it will indicate one who is a dreamer and unpractical, one to whom life is a continual disappointment, unless they happen to possess the means to indulge their constantly changing fancies.

In dealing with all classes of Tips, it must be borne in mind that a soft hand will make the Spatulate tip only a lover of action, not one to indulge in it personally. It will also decrease the force of Square tips and add considerably to the idealism of Conic and Pointed tips. The energy shown by the elastic consistency of the hand, as well as a strong thumb, will be necessary to bring out the greatest possibilities of the tips.

Shanker Adawal
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