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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Yoga for Penury, Chapter XV, Part – 3

Dr. Shanker Adawal

10. Dhan-Nash (destruction of wealth) Yoga:

This yoga of penury is rather more difficult to digest because the native once did have wealth, but lost all or most of it subsequently. Some of such combinations are given below:
i) Ill-associated Lagnesh in a Trika house and debilitated 2nd lord in 6th.

ii) Mars & Saturn posited in 2nd house without any benefic influence.

iii) Mercury in 12th under influence of malefics lose wealth due to dispute with other relatives.

iv) The 11th lord is posited in 12th, while 12th lord is in 2nd and 2nd lord is in a Trika house or is in debility.

v) Debilitated 2nd lord is in 6th house associated with malefics & Sun.

vi) If 2nd & 11th lords join 8th house in aspect of Mars/ Saturn.

vii) If Sun, weak Moon, Mars, Saturn or Rahu (any two) aspected by malefics.

viii) Weak 12th lord is related with 6th lord & Saturn, cause destruction of wealth by enemies.

ix) If Saturn and Rahu/ Ketu occupies 12th without any benefic influence.

x) Mars in 2nd house afflicted by Saturn/ Rahu causes destruction of wealth by fire or theft/ robbery.

xi) If Lagnesh is weak, 2nd lord in debility conjoins Sun in 12th or is afflicted by malefics.

xii) Weak Moon is in 2nd aspected by Mercury or vice-versa, destroy savings.

xiii) If 9th lord from lagna/ Moon is heavily afflicted, one may become suddenly poor.

xiv) If Moon is in conjunction with Sun, aspected by a debilitated planet and occupies a malefic Navamsha.

xv) If Saturn & Venus are both strong, dasha of Venus-Saturn or Saturn- may ruin the life.

The native has Gajkesari Yoga in 3-12th house (both of Jupiter). Though Saturn is Lagnesh, it has turned weak & malefic for (a) it is in close conjunction with Ketu in Ketu’s Nakshtra, (b) Any planet in Ketu’s star gives inauspicious results (c) It is in debility, and (d) It is in mutual exchange with 8th lord Sun. 12th lord from Moon is Mars and Mercury, Venus, Saturn & Ketu are in sign of Mars who is posited in 2nd house aspected by Rahu, carrying malevolence of 8th lord Sun. So during Mars-Rahu dasha, in 1981, there was a big theft in his godown causing him loss of several lakhs.

11. Evil Yogas by House lordship:

If the lord of a house (other than a Trika house) is in an evil place or the house tenants or is aspected by malefics, nine evil yogas, one for each house is raised as under

i) First house: The Yoga is called Avayoga, which in Sanskrit means a bad Yoga. The native has an uneventful life of poverty. He will suffer many humiliations; his company will be of low and wicked people. This Yoga impairs health and longevity is curtailed.

ii) Second house: The Yoga constituted is known as Niswa, which in Sanskrit means without wealth. The native has bad teeth, poor eye-sight or the eyes may have some defects; his power of speech is not good; his enemies appropriate his wealth; he is neither intelligent nor learned.

The native has 2nd lord Venus in 12th house combust with 12th lord Sun and aspected exalted but retrograde 8th lord Mars associated with Rahu from 5th house. During Mars & Rahu sub-periods of Venus dasha, he had break in education during 1985-86 and again in 1989. He finally did diploma in handloom technology and joined service in Jan 1992 during Venus-Saturn dasha. His financial position is just moderate. However connection among Jupiter-Saturn-Ketu gave him spiritual leanings.

iii) Third house: The Yoga formed is Mriti. The native is without brothers or there is no happiness from them. His wealth and strength are undermined; he is not even tempered; his efforts are misdirected and end in failure and frustration. The native lacks in courage and there is a latent feeling of timidity or an inferiority complex.

iv) Fourth house: The Yoga is known as Kuhoo. The native suffers in respect of his mother, conveyances, friends, relations, apparel and happiness. The fourth house is the house of ease, comfort, mental tranquility and happiness and all these are curtailed. He suffers in respect of his position and property also. He is attached to an unworthy woman who may be his own wife or some other woman.

v) Fifth house: The Yoga so formed is called Pamara. The native tells lies; he lacks in the finer sense of discrimination, cheats others, does not believe in God or religion; has evil company. He may have no sons or there may be premature death of sons or no happiness from them.

vi) Seventh house: The Yoga has been named Dushkrit (which literally means evil actions). The result is separation, inclination for liaisons with others’, wives, wandering aimlessly, venereal or urinary diseases such as spermatorrhoea, diabetes; trouble from government. The native is despised by his relations and suffers.

vii) Ninth house: The Yoga is called Nirbhagya which means luckless. He brings about ruin of immovable ancestral property by neglect, or by mortgaging or selling it away under financial pressure; is irreligious, talks ill of and does not respect his religious preceptors and ascetics; is poorly dressed, and suffers much distress.

viii) Tenth house: The Yoga is known as Duryoga. Whatever the native undertakes, despite his strenuous efforts, ends in frustration and disappointment. He suffers humiliation in society, lives at place other than his homeland and leads an unhappy life. The native is antagonistic to others and suffers distress.

The native belong to a middle class family. He had to accept the post of a postman (low paid Govt Job). He has Saturn (R) in 10th house with 10th lord Sun in 6th house with 1-6th lord Mars, combust 7th lord Venus in Rahu-Ketu axis. Thus forming a Dur-Yoga. In Navamsha, 10th house is occupied by 8th lord Mars with 10th lord Mercury in 6th house. His 9th lord Moon is in exaltation in 7th house but is associated with 8th lord Mercury and aspected by 2-5th lord debilitated Jupiter and by Saturn (R). His 11th house is hemmed between malefics. Hence he leads a unhappy life of fluctuating fortunes & fickle nature.

ix) Eleventh house: This Yoga is known as Nir-dhan, which means poor. The native incurs heavy debts and is poor. He is not good tempered; has no good brothers; may suffer from diseases of the ear. He runs errands for others, i.e., occupy a subordinate position. His speech is not good and his actions are not commendable.

Shanker Adawal
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