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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas: Conjunction of Planets, Chapter IV, Part – 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

1. Introduction

1.1 There are 12 Zodiacal signs corresponding to 12 houses with the first house corresponding to the rising sign at the time of birth and subsequent houses numbered with a sign allotted to each serially in an anti-clockwise pattern. Each sign and house has its own specific characteristics which they manifest through their lords. One star (Sun), five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn), One satellite of earth (Moon) and two crucial points of intersection of earth’s Moon’s orbit (Rahu & Ketu) constitute planets in Vedic astrology. Each of these nine planets have their own characteristics and are constantly in periodic motion. They are reservoirs of vast divine/cosmic energy emitted as electro-magnetic waves. Rahu & Ketu, since they have no mass, do not own any sign; Sun & Moon owns one sign each; and balance five planets own two signs each. Different planets are Significators (Karaka) of various houses. Then there are Nakshtras (constellations), 27 in number, who are spread over evenly over the zodiac/ chart at the rate of 2-1/4 Nakshtra per sign/ house. Put in a serial order, different Nakshtras are owned in three sets by Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn & Mercury. It is interesting to note that whereas Rahu & Ketu do not own any signs, they do own three Nakshtra each.

1.2 Even a cursory glance over any horoscope would reveal that in almost all charts, certain houses have more than one planet, whereas there are others who do not have even a single planet. The house which has more than one planet, becomes store house of more energy at the expense of others who do not have any planet. This causes imbalance not only in the chart but also in the behaviour and destiny of the native. As brought out earlier, a yoga is a combination of a planet within a sign/ house or of more than one planet. The strength and behaviour of a planet, while delivering a result, depends on the following;
i) Characteristics/significations of the planet.

ii) The sign & house where the planet is located.

iii) The sign & house which is owned by the planet.

iv) The sign & house where its depositor (Lord of house where the planet is placed) is posited.

v) Position of the planet in the house.

vi) The longitude of the planet and that of lagna minus sign.

vii) The lord of Nakshtra wherein the planet is placed.

viii) The planet/ planets placed in the same house along with the planet and their distance from each other.

ix) Nature & longitudes (Minus sign) of planet/ (s) aspecting the planet.

2. Factors affecting Yogas by conjunction of Planets
2.1 Closeness of Planets- The first point to be seen is how close any two planets are. Generally the closure the planets, more pronounced will be their results. However the closeness may be further classified as follows:

1. Within a degree or so- It is called in exact conjunction and gives marked results. But if it be so within a same sign and less than one degree apart, the planets could be in “Planetary war”, with planets with lesser degree becoming winner and loser becoming very weak. However Sun & Moon never enter the planetary war.

2. Within three degree or same quarter of Nakshtra- It is called close conjunction and gives pronounced results. If a planet is closely posited to Sun, it may get combust. Classics have given various distances upto which combustion works for different planets. However power of combustion of Sun reduces exponentially as the planet move away from Sun. Again if Sun is in Libra (debilitated), it loses power to combust any planet.

3. Within 10 degree but in the same Nakshtra- It is called simple conjunction and is reasonably effective. Thus the two planets being in the same Nakshtra enhances their effectiveness.

4. Beyond 10 degrees, in different Nakshtra but in the same sign- It is called “association” only. Farther they are, weaker will be their association and they would give poorer results as a yoga.

2.2. Nature & Friendship among Planets
The planets have natural friendship and Panchda friendship. If planets coming together are friends, their characteristic properties join and if otherwise they tend to cancel each other, with stronger planet’s characteristics prevailing but to a lesser extent. Similarly the natural significations of planets may or may not coincide. If they coincide, results will be marked better. But if opposing each other, then it will reduce the significations of stronger planet. Again if the planets belong to the same nature i.e. fiery, earthy, airy or watery, it increases their combined results.

2.3 Houses involved in Conjunction of Yogas
The house, wherein the conjunction of planets takes place, plays a very crucial role in their results. The best results are obtained if it takes place in a Trikone (1st, 5th or 9th) house; next best are manifested when it takes place in a Kendra (4th, 7th or 10th) house; in 2nd, 3rd or 11th house, the results are good only if it is for material gains and with self efforts; unsatisfactory or evil results are obtained if conjunction takes place in a Trika (6th, 8th or 12th) house. Most of the conjunctions in 9th/10th houses give very good results. Again if conjunctions takes place in a sign of exaltation or own of one the planets, it gives good results pertaining to significations of that planet.

2.4 Number of Planets Placed Together
 At times the number of planets placed together in a sign/house may be as high as all seven. The more the number of planets, more will be the confusion. The planets may be combust, debilitated, in planetary war, in inimical sign, or enemy to one another. In such cases, the final outcome of conjunction/association will be working in different directions causing poor results. The net results will be decided by net benevolence/ malevolence of the combinations. Again planets may be in exact conjunction, close conjunction, conjunction, or only association, thus giving varying degree of results. Let us consider case of Shri Rajiv Gandhi, who had five planets Sun (3-50’), Jupiter (12-12’) Moon (17-30’) Venus (18-40’) and Mercury (28-34’) in Leo, lagna. Now Sun & Jupiter are friends, in Mooltrikone sign of Sun, and over 9 degree apart but in the same Nakshtra so they will give good Rajyoga. Jupiter & Moon are within six degree and friend to each other in a friendly sign though in different Nakshtra. So they will give results of Gajkesari Yoga. Moon & Venus are within one degree or so, but not in planetary war, and both are in the same Nakshtra of Venus. Hence they will give good luxurious life. But Venus, being inimical to Leo sign and is enemy of Jupiter & Sun, will not give any yoga due to closeness with Jupiter. Mercury is in a third Nakshtra of Sun (different from Nakshtra lord of other four planets) though in a friendly sign but far away from Sun. Hence  it will not give results of Budhaditya Yoga.

2.5 Time of Fructification
The results of any yoga of conjunction will also manifest only during dasha periods of planets involved in conjunction.

2.6 Role of Rahu & Ketu
Normally only seven planets from Sun to Saturn are taken into consideration for the purpose of yogas of conjunction of planets. However whenever Rahu or Ketu are placed close to any planet it spoils its characteristics, with Sun & Moon suffering the most. The malefic natures of Mars and Saturn increase if they are conjunct with Rahu/ Ketu. They normally behave benevolent when placed alone in signs of Mercury/ Jupiter.

Shanker Adawal

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