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Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part - 88


Dr. Shanker Adawal


Y-1- If the 9th house is occupied by a malefic planet, and if the lord of the 9th house is located with a malefic, is in between malefic planets or is located in malefic Sastiamsa, the native becomes sinful.

Y-2- If Rahu and Saturn occupy the 9th house, and the Navamsa of a malefic planet and if the two are aspected by Gulik and the lord of the 9th house is located in a malefic Navamsa, the native engages in very cruel deeds.

Yogas relating to Father

Y-1- If the lord of the 9th house is a natural benefic planet, the 9th house is occupied by a benefic and the significator (Sun) and located with a benefic, the native’s father lives long and is beneficial to the native.

Y-2- One is benefited from his father for long duration, if the lord of the 9th house, occupies amsa like “Paravat” along with the significator (Sun) and the two are located in the Navamsa belonging to their exaltation signs or signs of their friends.

Y-3- One’s father lives long and one is benefited from him, if the lord of the 9th house is associated with or aspected by Jupiter and Venus or even by any one of them.

Y-4- If the significator (Sun) is located in amsa like “Gopur” is aspected by the lord of the 9th house, and is neither associated with, nor aspected by malefic, the native enjoys comforts from a long living father.

Y-5- If both, the lord of the 9th house and its significator (Sun) are located with malefic and are aspected by malefic or are located in between malefic planets, the yoga indicates trouble to father.

Y-6- The father of the native will suffer much, if the 9th house, its lord and its significator (Sun) are located in their respective signs of debilitation and are in Navamsa influenced by Saturn, Mandi and Rahu.

Y-7- If a natural benefic planet located in the 9th house and the lord of the 9th house are located with enemies or are occupying their signs of debilitations or if these are located in malefic Sastiamsa (1/60th division) the yoga indicates trouble to father.

Y-8- Trouble to father should also be predicted, if the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Navamsa belonging to the lord of the 9th house is located in the Navamsa of its sign of debilitation or to a malefic planet.

Y-9- If the lord of the 9th house is much stronger than the lord of the Ascendant and the significator, i.e. the Sun is aspected by benefic, the native lives under the control of his father.

Y-10- If the Ascendant sign of the native is the same as the one 8th from the Ascendant of the father and if the lord of the 8th sign of the father is in the Ascendant of the native, the native attends to all the ceremonies connected with the death of the father.

Y-11a- One born in the Ascendant belonging to a sign located in the 10th house of his father has qualities like his father.

Y-11b- If born with an Ascendant sign identical to that of the Ascendant sign of the father one depends on the finances of his father.

Y-12a- One born in an Ascendant having the sign falling in the 6th house of his father’s birth chart is inimical to his father.

Y-12b- One born if the Ascendant signs falling in the 9th, 11th and 2nd house of his father’s birth chart is obedient to his father.

Y-13- A native born in any of the three asterisms falling in 8th sign in his father’s birth chart is inimically disposed to his father and is his son will also be inimically disposed to his grandfather.

Y-14- If a native is born in any of the three asterisms falling in the 12th house of his father’s birth chart, causes trouble to his father and lives away from his home for considerable period of his life.

Y-15- If the lords of the 9th and the 3rd houses are located in the 3rd or the 9th house and are in strength by being in their exaltation signs, the natives (father and the native) are good moral people.

Fortunate yogas

Y-1- If the lord of the 9th house is located in an angle or trine house in strength under the aspect of or in association with a benefic planet and is occupying a benefic Navamsa and is in a “Paravat’ division the native is highly rich and lucky.

Y-2- If the lord of the 2nd house occupies the 11th, the lord of the 11th is in the 9th house, and the said lord of the 2nd is associated with or aspected by the lord of the 10th house, the native is highly fortunate in life.

Y-3- If the lord of the 9th house is located with the lord of the 3rd house, and is under the aspect of a benefic, is with a benefic or is in the Navamsa of a benefic planet, then in the career the native is helped by the brthers of the native.

Y-4- If the lord of the 5th house is located in the 9th house and is associated there with or is under the aspect of the lord of the 9th house, and Jupiter is in the 5th house the native gets wealth from and his career is boosted by his son.

Y-5- If the lord of the 4th house is in the 9th house, and the lord of the 9th is in the 4th house, with Mercury, the native is helped much in his career by his community particularly his uncles.

Y-6a- Similarly if the significator of wife i.e. Venus and the lord of the 7th house having exchange with the lord of the 9th house, it give luck from wife.

Y-6a- Similarly if the significator of wife i.e. Venus and the lord of the 7th house having exchange with the lord of the 9th house, it give luck from wife.

Y-6b- Similarly, exchange between the lord of the 9th house and the lord of the 6th from the native’s Lagna or its dispositor gives luck through the enemy.

Y-7a- When the lord of the 6th house is having mutual relationship i.e. Sambandha (by mutual exchange, mutual aspect, or placed in one house etc), with the lord of the 9th house, the native career or luck is improved through his enemies.

Y-7b- The same result follows if the lord of the 9th house is located in the 9th with any of the lords of the 6th, 8th or the 12th house.


Shanker Adawal

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