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Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part - 97


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Death of father When?

Y- Lord of 9th debilitated, dispositor thereof in 9th whilst a malefic is placed in the 7th, from lord of 9th indicates death of father in Major period of the malefic in 7th or lord of 9th.

Wealthy- Lord of 2nd in 11th house, dispositor thereof in 9th and lord of 9th in Ascendant indicates that the native will become very wealthy.

P- Prosperity- Prosperity of a native would be dependent on the strength of lord of 9th from Ascendant or Moon or Sun, whichever is the strongest.

Future prosperity and luck which contribute to taking the native to Haven are dependent on the strength of lord of 9th house, lord of Ascendant and Moon. If said 3 planets are powerful, and stand in 9th, it can be taken for granted that a berth in heaven has been reserved for the native, whilst his prosperity on this plane will be much above average.

Ninth house lord in various hoses

If the 9th Lord in the Ascendant, the native will be fortunate, prosperous, be honoured by the king (or government), good natured, charming and be honoured by the people.

Notes: In Taurus Ascendant, Saturn, being the 9th and 10th Lord, also becomes the lord of a trine and an angle. Therefore the Saturn in the Ascendant will be specially auspicious. The situation will be still more excellent in the Cancer Ascendant, because in this Ascendant the 9th Lord will be Jupiter who, being placed in the Ascendant, will be in his sign of exaltation. Therefore, the native will be fortunate, charming, self respecting, highly educated and honoured by all. Though Jupiter will be the 6th Lord also. But it is said about Jupiter that being situated in the Ascendant, removes a thousand defects in the horoscope.

In Virgo and Scorpio Ascendants, the 9th Lords will be respectively Venus and the Moon who will be in their debilitation sign in the Ascendant.

In all the other Ascendants the natives will get auspicious effects, if there are benefic conjunctions.

Should the 9th Lord be situated in the 2nd House, the native will be learned, popular, wealthy, lustful, and be blessed with happiness through sons and wife.

If the 9th Lord is placed in the 3rd House, the native will be blessed with fraternal bliss, be wealthy, virtuous and charming.

If the 9th Lord is situated in the 4th House, the native will be endowed with the happiness of having houses and conveyances, will have all kinds of Wealth and be devoted to his mother.

Should the 9th Lord be placed in the 5th House, the native will have the blessing of sons and good fortune. He will be devoted to his elders or teachers, will have fortitude, be religious and charitable and learned.

If the 9th Lord is in the 6th House, the native will be less fortunate, be devoid of the happiness from maternal uncle etc. and be troubled by enemies.

If the 9th Lord is placed in the 7th House, the native will get happiness through his wife. He will be virtuous and famous.

If the 9th Lord is gone in the 8th House, the native will be devoid of fortune, and he will not have the happiness of an elder brother.

If the 9th Lord is situated in the 9th House, the native will be endowed with abundant fortunes, be virtuous, handsome and will enjoy happiness from his brothers.

If the 9th Lord is placed in the 10th House, the native will be a king or equal to a King, or be a minister or an army chief, be virtuous and be worshipped by all.

Should the 9th Lord be situated in the 11th House, the native will have financial gains day by day, be devoted to his teachers, virtuous and be doer of charitable deeds.

If the 9th Lord is situated in the 12th House, the native will incur loss of fortunes, will always spend his money on auspicious acts and will become poor because of spending money on entertaining guests.


Shanker Adawal

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