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Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part – 113


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Eleventh house lord in various houses

If the 11th Lord is placed in the Ascendant the native will be of Sattwika nature, be rich, happy, even sighted, a poet, eloquent in speech and be always endowed with gains.

Should the 11th Lord be placed in the 2nd House, the native will be endowed with all kinds of wealth and all kinds of accomplishments, be charitable, religious and always happy.

If the 11th Lord be situated in the 3rd House, the n ative will be skilful in all jobs, wealthy, be blessed with fraternal bliss and sometimes may, incur gout pains.

In case the 11th Lord is situated in the 4th House, the native will have gains from maternal relatives, will make pilgrimages and will possess happiness of house and lands.

Notes: A native having this combination will earn wealth through the sale and purchase of lands, transport, agriculture, nursery etc.

If the 11th Lord is placed in the 5th House, the native’s children will be happy, educated and virtuous. He himself will be religious and happy.

In case the 11th Lord is posited in the 6th House, the native will generally remain sickly. He will be cruel, living in foreign places and is troubled by enemies.

In the Gemini Ascendant, the 11th Lord will be Mars who will also be the 6th Lord and he will be in his own sign here. A native having this combination may have to confront enemies but they will not be able to trouble him.

If the 11th Lord is situated in the 7th House, the native always gains through his wife’s relatives. He will be liberal, virtuous, sensual and will remain at the command of his wife.

Notes: If the Ascendants are Aries and Libra, the 11th Lords will be respectively Saturn and the Sun. Being placed in the 7th House both they will be in their signs of exaltation. Therefore, the native will have special gains from his wife’s relatives. Such a native is generally married in a rich family.

If the Gemini Ascendant the 11th Lord Mars will be the 6th Lord also. The 6th House is the House of enemies, oppositions and disputes. Therefore, a native having this combination will certainly face opposition from his wife. One of the reasons of opposition between wife and husband may relating to dowry.

In the Leo and Aquarius Ascendants the 11th Lords will be respectively Mercury and Jupiter. They will be the Second Lords also. Therefore, both the planets who are the representatives of value will be in the 2nd and 11th House which also represent value. His wealth increases greatly after marriage.

In this Capricorn Ascendant the native does not get happiness through his wife for a long time, because in this Ascendant the 11th Lord Mars will be debilitated in the 7th House and he will soon cause the death of the native’s wife. Some natives get their engagements broken.

If the 11th Lord is fallen in the 8th House, the native will suffer losses in his undertakings. He will be lo9ng lived while his wife will die before him.

If the 11th Lord happens to be placed in the 9th House, the native will be fortunate, skilful, truthful, honoured by the King and wealthy.

Notes: Many natives have been found to be getting wealth through shares, lottery and speculation.

Should the 11th Lord be situated in the 10th House, the native will be honoured by the king, be virtuous, devoted to his religion, truthful and subdue his senses.

Notes: In Aries Ascendant, the 11th Lord Saturn will be in his own sign in the 10th House. Therefore, the native will often get success in his undertaking, though it (Success) will be delayed because Saturn is significator of delay.

In the Taurus Ascendant the 11th Lord Jupiter will be the 8th Lord also. A native born in this Ascendant and having this combination will not consider over fair or foul means in relation to making income in his profession. The same thing will hold. True in the case of a native born in the Scorpio Ascendant. The native born in the Gemini Ascendant may be an advocate of Income Tax or in a Criminal Court or a doctor. The same thing will be said with regard to a native born in the Sagittarius Ascendant: But the special thing in this Ascendant will be this that in it the 11th Lord Venus will be in her sign of debilitation in the 10th House. Due to the debilitation of the 11th Lord in the 10th House, the natives have been found to be earning their livelihood through such lower grade professions as clerks to some advocates, lower employees in the Courts or in the hospitals. The natives born in the Cancer Ascendant have gains of wealth through dealing in automobiles, having dairy or transport business etc. The native born in Leo and Aquarius Ascendants have been found to be employed as CA, employees in Banks, Sales Tax offices or Income Tax offices or to be doing trade. The natives born in Virgo and Libra Ascendants have interest in shares; those born in Capricorn Ascendant adopt the work of dealing in building material or the sale and purchase of land and property and, those born in the Pisces Ascendant have gains of wealth from foreign countries.

In case the 11th Lord is situated in the 11th House, the native will have gains in all his undertakings. His learning and happiness-will be on the increase day by day.

Should the 12th Lord occupy the 12th House, the native will always expend on good deeds, be sensual, will have many wives and will have friendship with barbarians, or foreigners in general.


Shanker Adawal

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