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Mars & Mercury: Mars & Nadi Astrology, Chapter X, Part - 1

Chapter 10

Dr. Shanker Adawal


Male planet – Commander – Bridge of nose – (In Sanskrit called Triputi) – also in Sanskrit he is – “Dharani Garbha ambhootam” and according to above verse, he is born the womb of the. The goddess Bhoodevi (wife of Lord Vishnu) and hence, it cannot be considered that he is the controller of earth – because – “no one is greater that the mother”. He appears on the surface of earth as Hill, Mountain, Rocks – Mines – Metals (as mentioned above could not be the causative planet of earth) – Bullets, enemies – egoism – hard substances – hard materials.

He is also the causative planet of brother – foundation stones – blood/cardiac regions (i.e. surrounding the heart portion). Fire-Scissors – Triangular in shape – Stone pillars.

Mars happens to be the causative planet of brother – foundation stones – blood/cardiac regions (i.e. surrounding the heart portion). Fire – Scissors – Triangular in shape – Stone pillars.

Mars happens to be the causative planet of husband in female horoscopes. In male it called “Pourushatwa” – Manliness or the power of man, depicts Lord Subramanya – power (Shakthi).

Friendly & inimical aspects of planets


1. Mars is born from the Womb of Goddess Bhoodevi, embroyiun the concept of the Lord Eswara (also called Veerabhadra) & Mars is the governing planet of `egoism’ – also indicating power, besides having the concept of `Lord Yama’.

2. `Egoism’ cannot exercise proper intelligence because of stubbornness, adamantly, anger & `egoistic’ elemental factors of the planet of Mars. It can also be observed that a man of intelligence cannot express `egoism’ because of his intellect and piousness, besides patience and virtues of good qualities. For instance, a man of power (for example a wrestler) cannot express or exercise proper intelligence, because men of intelligence and intellect fall under the category of “Vidya Dadhati Vinayam” according to Sanskrit verses.

So it can be observed that intelligence and egoism remains controversial, but still, the aspect of intelligence and power cannot be totally ignored. For instance, if a person while exercising his intelligence, if he cannot or fail to enforce power to put forward himself as a leader, then his efforts may become a failure. Exercising of intelligence along with power in any aspect to an extent is an essential factor, which otherwise, no man can be cause of help either to himself or can be a cause to service to the society. That is why is Sanskrit it is properly mentioned as Bhuddhi Shakthi intelligence & power), but while exercising power and egoism, unless the person properly balances the weight of egoism, then egoism dominates, intelligence fails, and efforts becomes useless.

Anyhow, for reasons discussed above, Mars & Mercury, in astrological terms are considered as inimical planets.

3. Mars is considered as in inimical planet to Saturn, because a person who is working in an office, while discharging his Karma (duties), if expresses over ecoism and becomes trouble maker and embrass his staff members, then the person will have to take a bad name, and embrass his staff members, who on the back will be blaming and cursing the person may fail to get the office works done smoothly, effectively and satisfactorily. And sometimes, the superior officers may even decide to remove such a person from the service & hence it is an indication that a native of `egoism’ or `Over egoism’ & hence it is an indication that a native of `egoism’ or `Over egoism’ may be asking for trouble and inviting problems in his work, besides being a cause of obstruction for his self prosperity and success. A man of egoism will not be able to discharge or do any specific duties for a long time, during his sojourn of life. There could be no significant achievements or success. There may be frequent changes in career, because such a person will be somehow developing and building `inimical aspects’ because of his egoistic nature and somewhere in some corner, something `inimical’ will be causing him troubles and problems. Due to these reasons `Egoistic Mars’ is considered inimical to `Karmic Saturn’. The planet of Mars is governing spear and also Mars represents Lord Yama.

Shanker Adawal

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