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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. - PUBLISHED September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. - PUBLISHED October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. - PUBLISHED October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity..... PUBLISHED December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings..... December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.....


Know your inner-self from your own Date and Name

Taurus (Varishabha) - (Persons born between 21st April to 21st May) or persons with names under EE, U, O, VA, VE, VU, VAY, Vo.)

1.Taurus is the sign owned by Venus- normally considered to be benefic. The Moon, another luminary, gets exalted in this sign and deep exaltation point is 3 degrees. The natives born under this sign especially with the exalted Moon are considered to be intelligent and secure high marks in mathematics/ science etc. depending on other planets.

2. Each degree of the sign Taurus and Nakshtra (Kritika, Rohini and Mrigsira) has different effects.

3. The natives born under this sign are considered to be self- imposed and at times obstinate. Though they claim that they do not need guidance/ counseling but they are advised to have an advice from seniors and elders. At times, it has been noticed that it is difficult to know about the exact internal nature/ character of the native and at times such natives are head to please. A chief instinct of Taurus gets modified with influence of other planets in the horoscope i.e. by way of conjunction/ aspect/ association. Though slow and quit but are capable of strong passions and some of such natives are ranked as stubborn, with steady perseverance.

4. Taureans want their own opinions to be accepted by others, good at governing and can rise to high position and some of them are silent workers (inflexible in their opinions). Such natives are fond of nature history, gardening, horticulture and some of them come out to be very precise- be that as it may, they are fond of comfort and repose. Such natives are desirous and ambitious to have honors of all kinds. In love affairs, they become inconsistent and jealous with doubting nature. Some of such natives, depending on the placement of the Moon in the birth chart, fight with their own self.

5. A certain degree of wealth/ riches is in store for Taureans though losses (total or partial) especially through litigation are also indicated. Unforeseen windfalls also come to them. Gains from friends and relations come on account of their devotion to such persons. Father of such natives is men of their identity in their field but sorrows from brothers/ sisters are indicated. Depending on the position of 5th house and 5th Lord, death of the eldest child especially boy is indicated in infancy. Except this, children make good progress in scholastic and artistic studies.

6. Depending on the placement of Mars and the Moon, life is considered to be calm and peaceful. to have more mental peace and happiness they must leave the habit of resistance and must learn to adjust with all including with neighbors in spite of some neighbor’s nuisance.

7. Health of Taureans may suffer on account problems concerning spleen, liver and kidneys. In the case of females, troubles with ovaries, stone, tonsillitis etc. indicated.

8. The natives born under this sign also have friends holding high position and even some get inheritance from friends/ relations but also experience sorrow and grief. With Mars in 6th house or 8th house, some of Taureans may have open enemies causing troubles in all walks of life including married life. Even the wife of such natives may betray if there is Venus in the 8th house under heavy affliction. Some of such natives have been found to live forced ‘retired’ or ‘secluded’ life.

9. Taureans normally live long life with many perils and odds. They have sense of the comforts of life and frequently have been found to be more concerned with studies on diet, yoga and also on surrounding circumstances, hygiene etc. With the involvement of 8th house, 8th lord, 12th house and 12th lord, death may come to some at sea or in a foreign land. But this cannot be laid down as a final principle and need to be tested with reference to available horoscopes.

10. Apart from above analysis, each planet can give different results. Briefly, the following results are indicated by the planets in Taurus:

  • Sun- Eye trouble, tolerant, tactful, jealous, affluent.
  • Moon - Loves pleasure, beauty, noble, Benevento, charitable. 
  • Mars - Ambitious, practical, capable manager, inventive. 
  • Mercury - Cheerful and Joyful, more than one associations. 
  • Jupiter - Fair in dealings, amicable, philanthropic, home- bound. 
  • Venus - Honest and sincere, warm hearted, suspicious and harsh. 
  • Saturn - Sex with elderly women, discontented, frugal, prudent. 
  • Rahu & Ketu in Taurus & Scorpio- Inclined to spiritualism, interested in religious and holy places, philosophical thought, ancient and tradition culture, gain of wealth in foreign land.

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